[PL/ENG] Poppy

Ostatni a zarazem pierwszy pies w naszej rodzinie - Poppy 馃檪 Przyby艂a do nas dok艂adnie 15 grudnia . Pami臋tam bo mam wtedy urodziny 馃榿馃榿馃榿 Taki ma艂y i ju偶 troch臋 stary s艂odziak.

The last and at the same time the first dog in our family - Poppy 馃檪 She came to us exactly on December 15th. I remember because it's my birthday then 馃榿馃榿馃榿 Such a little and a bit old cutie.

Niestety pierwszy miesi膮c z nami mia艂a do艣膰 ci臋偶ki, 24 grudnia nasz syn trafi艂 do szpitala z zapaleniem opon m贸zgowych. Ja by艂am z nim ca艂y czas w szpitalu m膮偶 wraca艂 do domu na noc i 3 razy dziennie 偶eby wyj艣膰 z Poppy .

Unfortunately, the first month with us was quite difficult, on December 24 our son was hospitalized with meningitis. I was with him all the time in the hospital, my husband came home for the night and 3 times a day to go out with Poppy.

Jak na taki ci臋偶ki pocz膮tek wyros艂a na wspania艂ego przyjaciela domu. Poppy jest bardzo m膮drym psem. Rozumie wszystko co si臋 do niej m贸wi ( tak mi si臋 wydaje ) 馃榿馃榿馃榿.
Kredki i papier na kt贸rym robi艂am jej portret s膮 nie za dobrej jako艣ci co wida膰 na zdj臋ciu, ale nast臋pny jej portret my艣l臋 偶e b臋dzie du偶o lepszy 馃榿馃榿馃榿

For such a difficult beginning, she grew up to be a great friend of the house. Poppy is a very smart dog. She understands everything that is said to her (I think) 馃榿馃榿馃榿.
The crayons and paper on which I made her portrait are not of good quality as you can see in the picture, but I think the next portrait of her will be much better 馃榿馃榿馃榿

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