Color Pencil and Ink Sketch


Hi! I'm @wandrnrose7 and I'm new to the #sketch community and a blockchaim member since June 2016 and Steemit days.

I'm not a professional artist but I found this community and I hope that I can contribute art and participate with others who share an appreciation of art.

I'm a mother and a grandmother of six grandchildren and one great-granddaughter who works full-time from home as customer service for a major American health insurance company, thanks to the pandemic. I save two hours just in commute time. I truly thought by working from home I'd have more time for hobbies like art, writing and such, but somehow my days fill up before I have time to do something artistic. I belong to the #freewrite community headed by @mariannewest. I try to participate as often as I can.

The art is a photograph of an ink sketch I drew last year. I decided to color the sketch with pencils after work today.


The original sketch was a simple ink sketch to test out the ink pens ordered on Amazon. I needed to test their ink flow.


I haven't really done anything else with my sketchbook, or the beautiful art kit that my husband, Jeff, purchased for me two years ago for Christmas, other than a pencil sketch of a doe which I have yet to complete taken from a photograph I took of the doe in the woods on a drive home a couple years past.

I wish I had taken a photo of the process as I see many others doing for their art posts. Maybe I'll take some as I work next time!

Please follow me here and on Twitter as @wandrnrose7.


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