Autocad 3D-Modelling: Icosahedron (Soccer Ball)

Screenshot 94.png

Previous Designs: 3D Modelling

Hello Hivers!

I'm back with my 3D modelling guides and for today's featured subject, is the Icosahedron or what we commonly see in sports as the soccer ball.

If you missed some of my guides before,you check them out on the links above. I also created some 3D logos of hive communities. And if you have some figures you want me to make, feel free to suggest them in the comment below.



Using a polygon tool, create a pentagon and a hexagon. Their sides must be equal. Put them together where one of their side is in co-linear.
Screenshot 73.png

Rotate the hexagon shape with respect to the side where it touches the pentagon. The angle must be 37.38 degrees. That angle is related to dihedral angle of an icosahedron which is 142.62 degrees. The point where the intersecting perpendicular lines meet will serve as the radius of the subject.
Screenshot 74.png
Screenshot 75.png
Screenshot 76.png

Apply loft tool to those polygons with a path directed to the center of the icosahedron.
Screenshot 77.png
Screenshot 78.png

Create a larger sphere and another smaller sphere inside the larger one. Apply subtract tool to those to create a hollowed sphere. Make 2 hollowed spheres. Their difference in sizes will serve as the thickness of your lofted polygons.
Screenshot 79.png

Apply intersect tool to those solid forms. One sphere per polygon. And you'll get the curved pentagon and polygon for your subject. Apply fillet tool to smoothen rough edges. Apply colors. Black and white is the most common color of a soccer ball.
Screenshot 80.png
Screenshot 81.png
Screenshot 82.png
Screenshot 83.png

Now, you'll just have to apply array tool to those figures. First, with the hexagon.
Screenshot 84.png
Screenshot 85.png

For the pentagon, you'll have to copy the first pentagon you created and apply 3dalign tool to attach it to the hexagon. Then again, apply array tool to produce more pentagon in circular path.
Screenshot 86.png

Screenshot 87.png

Repeat those steps until you get the exact figure of a icosahedron or commonly known as soccer ball.
Screenshot 88.png
Screenshot 89.png
Screenshot 90.png
Screenshot 91.png
Screenshot 92.png
Screenshot 94.png

PNG Files(free to use):



Stay tuned for more 3D Designs.

"best of time"

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