Sketchbook 019 - Character Portrait, Stéphane Codron (TWD Daryl Spinoff Series)

Hi and happy Friday!

Hah, I feel a little bit proud of myself for managing to get to posting today.
Even though it wasn't exactly a productive day, I got quite a bit done planning wise at least. (Before getting sucked into an episode of an animated TV series that I am probably going to be heavily addicted to soon)

Speaking of overly addictive mentioned in my post from yesterday, during my first flight, when I was stuck in the isle seat, I spent my time drawing. This is what I drew. (I had started it at home but finished it on the plane)

For the sake of everyone who hasn't had the opportunity to watch it yet, I won't say too much, because spoilers are not cool. What I can say is that, this character is from a spin-off series of my all time favourite TV show, The Walking Dead.
In the show (It is the Daryl Dixon spin-off, which is awesome) he is a bad guy, named Stéphane Codron, who is portrayed by the actor Romain Levi.
I enjoyed the show and character very much, which is why I decided to give drawing him a go.

I like to start by drawing messy lines and blobs of shade and shapes, at this stage of drawing I had already spent quite a bit of time on it, but it was a lot messier when I started.

It is usually easiest for me to start on the faces and work my way down, slowly filling in the little details and shades as I go, I was also trying to practice my shading techniques, which still need a lot of work.

And done! Not a lot of process photos, I know, still getting into the habit of taking photos while drawing, hopefully I'll do better next time!

Bonus video...drawing short hair isn't my favourite, think I'll stick to long haired people 😂

Well, that's it for now. Lots more drawings to come in the future.

Till next time!

Credit - All photos and work in this post belong to me.
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