Doodle Magic Challenge 20 Entry: Ballerina Legs

Hey creative people and community,

I drew a pair of ballerina legs showing they are in tip top shape. That is how I see this given shape below which is our challenge drawing for this round

How about you guys what do you see? Why not join in this fun and creative challenge I am sure you got better ideas.

At first I was going for an airplane that is an obvious choice but I will be having concerns with the wings. I am not sure how to add them and how they would fit in the given shape. I kept rotating the shape until the pointy leg appeared I then duplicated it thereby completing the legs. Then the top area I made into a tutu making the final look into a Ballerina. I so love it.

Here is the link to the challenge post if you want to join : @theithei/doodle-magic-drawing-challenge--20

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