Doodle Magic Drawing Challenge : 20

Hello Creative people and supporters of this drawing challenge,

Welcome to another Doodle Magic Drawing Challenge. Here is the doodle reference photo that you will be working on today.
doodle magic 20.png
You may have notice that there are empty spaces inside the shape, that was my intention actually to change the reference drawing a bit. Perhaps you are already used to seeing the blocks and filled shapes. Time to switch it up. Now It is up to you and your creativity on how to transform this shape into something else. I know you can do it so... Wow us with your drawing and creativity :).

Can you put some magic on and transform this basic doodle into something else? Let your imagination run wild. There are a lot of things you can do with it:

  • Recreate it , improve on it or make it uniquely yours
  • Turn it into something awesome
  • Bring new life to it
  • You may add to it just make sure the basic shape is there
  • There are no right or wrong ways to do this just have fun
  • Show your personality and unique perspective

Let your creativity flow and if you see an image forming in your mind draw it and share it here. Your imagination and creativity are the only limits to this challenge. What are you waiting for? Join now and have fun with your time.

doodle magic drawing challenge snip.png

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