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Digital illustration and animation [ENG-FR]

here is my digital #caturday illustrationvoici la petite illustration du chamedi avec un chat et une souris créé en numérique
a mix of paintings, collages and textures, created this time with Procreate 😊un mélange de peintures, collages et textures réalisé avec Procreate 😊


The little cat has fun tickling the bigger one with a branch of leavesLe petit chat s'amuse à chatouiller le plus gros avec une branche de feuille

Let's take a closer look at this little rascal ...Allons voir ce petit gredin de plus près ...

and here is my little animation to wish you a happy voici ma petite animation pour vous souhaiter un joyeux...

..and also to make you vous faire sourire aussi
Does it works ..? 😊est-ce que ça fonctionne ..? 😊

My previous posts

Butterflies and flying animation [ENG-FR]

#AlphabetHunt letter H - and the winners of the lucky draw for the #G week [ENG-FR]

A frowning furry friend 😸

A bunch of benches 🤭 [ENG-FR]

A digital illustration and a little animation [ENG-FR]

And find also my paintings on my website !!

As always BlueWonkies are supporting communities ! 👇

Amazing Nature community by @adalger


Feathered Friends community by @melinda010100


Always a Flower community by @dswigle


Market Friday by @dswigle


Feel Good community by @barbara-orenya
