Splinterlands contest-venari crystalsmith

Seeing everyone making fantastic fanarts made me think of being creative and not just tracing lines so that the outcome be the same as the card photo. It’s still not creative enough, but I did my best. I understand changing clothes, shapes of faces or drawing the characters in other poses, all these result in creating something very different.
The card I inspired from is Venari Crystalsmith, I turned her dress into a witch’s . In all stories witches’ dresses are black and have capes. The dress is very simple because I don’t know how to draw clothes, yet. When I don’t know how to draw other things I realize I have a long way to go.
The process was fun because art is all about creativity.
Drew lines in the back to make an aura and to give off dark vibes.

Card I inspired from

Steps of the drawing

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