Lycaon- animal 1-100




Aunque en mi vida he visto un lycaon de cerca debo admitir que me encantan, de pequeño solia ver muchos documentales de animales y siempre quedaba encantando con estos lobos africanos.

una de mis fantasias de niño era tener uno mascota...

Although I have never seen a lycaon up close in my life I must admit that I love them, when I was a child I used to watch many animal documentaries and I was always enchanted by these African wolves.

One of my fantasies as a child was to have a pet....


Para esta pieza comence con un vbloque solido de color, y luego fui fragmentando todo por secciones para definir formas.

Una vez todo definido y ubicadas las zonas de luz y claridad, procedi a utilizar un pincel de fibras, esto me permite emular texturas para lograr el resultado final.

For this piece I started with a solid block of color, and then I started fragmenting everything by sections to define shapes.

Once everything was defined and the areas of light and clarity were located, I proceeded to use a fiber brush, this allows me to emulate textures to achieve the final result.

1lycaon - copia.jpg



Tableta de dibujo xp-pen.
Software de ilustración libre: Fire alphaca.



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