Carnivore Diet Trial

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to chat a little bit about my experience with a carnivore diet!


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Carnivore Diet Trial

I know that there are lots of different "diets" there and I don't really like calling it a diet, more of a lifestyle or something of that nature. A diet has been such an abused word these days, and it ends up meaning a lot less than what it really should be. Simply, it is how you are eating but it has been turned into some BS that reduces the importance of what it should be.

I, like many people in the world, listen to podcasts and big ones like Rogan and he often talks about his carnivore diet experiences and has people on there that do things similar and the benefits they experience when they do that. I figured that I would give it a try for myself!


I'm not really one to stick to one specific thing for eating and sustenance but I am definitely a little bit changed on that perspective! When I was eating the carnivore diet, I wasn't 100% strict and didn't eat any bread products, vegetables or fruit simply because that's not realistic for me. My wife is 98% vegetarian but does enjoy a burger every now and then, otherwise she doesn't eat it and she also doesn't like the smell of it in the house if I'm cooking it.

This limits my options a bit! I would love to go to a butcher and buy a set of steaks and other meat products every few days so I can cook them at home but this is not feasible for me on many levels unfortunately. I had to do something a little bit different and what I was able to manage was eating a lot of chicken, with some beef added in there here and there. I ate mostly rotisserie chickens, beef stew meat, eggs and chicken breasts and thighs for 2 weeks and man, was the change in my body and overall health quite noticeable!


One of the main things that I noticed after I was on it for about a week, eating minimal or no bread at all was that my weight went down and my inflammation was greatly reduced! I was a big fan of that, not that I am consuming excessive amounts of breads and pastas but I do consume more than I would like to, particularly after this experiment was completed. I had a little bit of a challenge in energy levels at first because my body was switching from consuming more carbs for fuel than it was used to, though thankfully this wasn't too terrible because I do practice intermittent fasting a few days a week if I can manage it.

The hardest part of the diet for me was going out and getting the fresh chicken and meat every few days. With my wife and son not eating it with me, or in the quantities that I was eating it, I would have to refresh my food every 3 or 4 days depending on how much I was consuming. We have plenty of vegetables in the house and I would sprinkle those in with my food, so it was not 100% carnivore based but it was more meat than I normally eat in a day and it was also the most I've reduced my bread consumption in quite some time. I think the bread consumption reduction was the most beneficial, because we all know how bad the bread products are in the American diet! They are filled with all kinds of nasty stuff, chemicals and the like.


I know that the carnivore diet is not for everybody and it's certainly not something that I thought I would enjoy but after being on it for 2 weeks, and having come off it to experiment with how I felt but also to help consume the various things that we have in our house, I can definitely say that the diet is for me! I want to plan on doing it a little stricter in January, which is apparently world Carnivore month for whatever reason. I think this will also help because January is usually when we are looking to make some adjustments to our lives, though I'm not one to partake in the New Year's resolution crap. I do like to see what changes or adjustments I can make in my body and my lifestyle every so often. Given that it is world carnivore month, I will see if I can be more focused on having a carnivore based diet and eat minimal vegetables and fruit!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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