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We want to be a rewarding blog, so...

We should probably reward curating more than we do creating to get better quality posts trending but this is not the case.

I see whales circle jerking their content like it is the holy grail of content day in day out.

What is the initiative for curators to be honest with their votes and not use the platform to exploit the economics fault of this system?
Why we reward self up-votes and vote-circling 4x more than curators efforts?

I understand that creators put effort to create, since I am a creator mostly too. But what is going to make me want to spend more time searching for quality content rather creating quality content that no one is searching for?

Can someone explain this to me like I am 5 years old? Also can someone give me the exact maths for curating vs creating on the comments so we can have a better argument reference?

image source

Disclaimer: I see journalists that do not link their sources and are against free speech, artists that cannot get a straight line even if their life was depended on it have no clue what the tools they are using are even named and are totally ignorant of color theory, more types of abuse that get by with the same people repeatedly voting their content which is borderline shit for my taste. What impressions that would leave to any serious potential investor about our future potential, it does makes you wonder it makes me for sure. It is not something that Steemit didn't or does not suffer from (and it was the main reason I stopped being that active on Steemit, I do have more faith in Hive but I need to see more efforts put into fixing the economics, that might even get my and everyone's engagement higher than it is)


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