What are your new years resolutions?

Doesn't have to be crypto/hive related but if you don't wanna share your personal ones then it's okay to talk about those too of course. :D

Yes, I'm aware this is not something that means anything, it's just earth having successfully yet again orbited the sun based on a date and time we decided is what it is and starts when it did. Some people like to take this opportunity to "start fresh" or try and get rid of some habits they're not too fond of. I'm one of them usually but depends on the year if I give it a serious attempt or not and let's be honest the past few years have been kind of exhausting, and I'm not even talking about the crypto markets here, it is what it is.

I'm going to try and get a bit more organized, try and keep my sleep schedule a bit more constant and force myself to go to bed and attempt to sleep at around the same hour even if I'm not feeling "sleepy enough yet" or something interesting is happening that my attention wants to focus on at the time. I'd also like to get a bit more healthy both diet and exercise wise, maybe I could post about that and at the same time beat my bad habit of almost never posting so I'd be able to kill two flies with one hit. Wait, is that the expression or am I stealing and translating it from Swedish? hmm, maybe it's with the same stone/rock, ye whatever, you know what I mean.

Maybe we should start a resolution's community so we can post about the progress, failures and successes of what we've set our mind to change/do differently come 2023?

Source Pixabay

What are your new years resolutions, hivers?

(if you have any)

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