If Hive was to advertise on Brave, what would the advert/s say?

The difference between the almost right word and the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning. – Mark Twain

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar. – David Ogilvy

A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself. – David Ogilvy


Personally, I've not got much experience in advertising, but I do understand the above to some extent, and of course have been on the receiving end of a lot of adverts - they are everywhere.

Most I can filter out pretty well I think. A new shampoo barely registers, and if the advertisement is too in my face, or too loud in the case of the TV, I'll mute in disgust.

There is obviously some skill involved, and this is partly related to the balance between catching your attention and not rubbing it in your face, and indicating why the product might be of use, without giving the game away.

Maybe you can write an advert to tempt thousands into the Hive?

At present there is an active proposal (99), which is to promote Hive using adverts which are presented by the Brave Browser. I use Brave and have been collecting BAT, which are stored in an Uphold wallet, for a few months now, and the knowledge I have gained (mainly on Steem/Hive) made me feel more comfortable in setting the wallet up, and buying a little BAT to accompany my rewards from browsing.

I think at some point, due to the fact that users who want to collect BAT and convert it to fiat need a wallet, advertising on Brave could be a great fit for Hive. At present though, I agree with the following comment which was left of the proposal post, and think there is some work to do prior to spending HBD on advertising:

I applaud the initiative but the on-boarding now is a complete mess in my opinion. For example, as soon as someone sign-up, he is bombarded with a 20 page FAQ section that would completely scare any normal sane person. We need something smooth, something that gets people to download Hive Keychain and walk them by the hand step by step to their first post. source

Anyway, let's say that we do have a solid 'front of house' in place in the future, and are now ready to start on-boarding people with prior experience to crypto. Before I ask the question though, here are some of the Brave adverts I've seen in the past day or two.










There are somewhere between 4 and 10 words on each advert.

'Save', 'protect', 'explore' stand out to me.

NordVPN don't really give any clues as to what they advertising and BlockFi are right in there with the interest rate on your crypto. They both seem to assume that uses seeing the ad will be reasonably tech savvie?

I'll start, at the bottom of the ladder:

Get paid to blog

Yours will be better, I hope.

What is the message we should present in an advert presented by Brave?



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