Try to make others happy

Are you happy?


Once my aunt asked me this question. She knew that I was living in a very hostile environment and probably was worried about my state of mind.
I have known what unhappiness was and in a very strong kind of way. When my dad passed away, I was sort of pushed toward a very bad state of mind. Of course, girls are very close to their dads and mine was the best. Suddenly being taken away from us made us siblings fall from such a height that it has taken years to recover and still a wound that cannot be healed.

So, yea, unhappiness is the state of not being happy and whatever goes on around you will have no meaning at all. It is indeed a dangerous situation that could lead to other states like depression.

Luckily for us, we had friends of our age come over and entertain us with games and so on and because we were very young, that phase of unhappiness slowly melted away.

What I am trying to say is that certain things that happen in life cannot be changed but we can try to make others happy if they are not. That is a great gift and it will also increase our well-being.

Is it not a moment of happiness when you gift a sweet to a child and the child becomes so happy that you also feel that vibration? Likewise, if a colleague is facing a problem, please make sure that you talk to him or her and make the person feel better in some way. many a time, people do not share their problems with others and even end up taking bad decisions that would affect their very life. Situations can be handled and there is nothing that prevents us from talking to another soul and comforting them.

Life is often like a game and there are levels that we can conquer. Once we reach a level where we realize that this life and the situations we are in are just an illusion, then it is easy to let go of the ego that makes our emotions flare up and amplify. Then we realize that you and I are not different but that we are one. Only the faces are different but the soul is the same and all souls are like pearls on a string.

Imagine standing in a place where there is a foul smell. Would you prefer to stand there or move away? Likewise, if our mind stinks from the bad smells of ego, anger, hate, jealousy, revenge, and what not, it will be felt by the people around you and they will move away from you slowly but surely. So, please do not alienate yourself and instead try to do good in your life instead of making people speak with hate about you or worse forget you.

Never forget the good done to you by others. Forgetting the past hurts is ok but if you are ungrateful, then it is nothing less than a crime and the aftermath will surely be felt sooner or later.

Life is a game. A very clever game and you have to be very careful not to upset the balance.

Be happy. Make others happy.

second image - own
This was written by Sayee ©

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