We Have A Banner! Thanks to @thekittygirl

I don't know how many of you spend time in the Ecency discord but if you don't, you should check it out. I have honestly never met a more helpful bunch on here.

I was trying to figure out what to do when we couldn't boost a community post with Ecency points and @melinda010100 suggested just giving the points and making a banner to comment with.

Now, as many can probably tell, I am not visually artistic or technically gifted so making banners and nice looking things eludes me quite often. I alluded to that in my response and then went to sleep.

When I woke up there was a notification in Ecency that @thekittygirl had replied to me so I went to check. I found this in the comment.

<center><a href=https://ecency.com/@scrapandsalvage><img src="https://images.hive.blog/DQma9i9523PJSS3An8iBdX9EhCtCrDJuzKu1M82zAYskYk3/ScrapAndSalvage-02.png"></a></center>

With it was "no credit necessary" but when someone does something so kind for you, you want people to know about it.

So thank you, kind Kitty Girl

That was very sweet of you to do that for me/us and I will cherish this banner every time I slap it on a community post.

I guess that anybody posting their scrap/salvage/upcycle posts can use it too. I mean, it's beautiful and free so why wouldn't you?


Please check out the HivePUD incentive post as time is running out. @cwow2 and @valerianis I'm looking at you

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