Until It Is Hatched

We, indeed, keep learning every day. Trust me when I say that I've had encounters that taught me not to count my chickens before they hatch. But my last experience was the icing on the cake.

I can still remember how hot the sun was that day. So hot that it made the air conditioner the hero of the day. The chaos in the office wasn't helping. It was more than it had always been. From the clicking of keyboards to phones ringing to the clacking of soles against the tiled floor.

I got a buzz on my phone, I checked it was from my boss. He requested my presence in his office. Sliding my shoes off the flat slippers I wear while at work into my high-heeled shoes. I didn't want my boss shouting over me not dressing corporate, so I walked straight to his office.

"Miss Zerah. We did it," he announced, grinning from ear to ear. He had a bottle of wine in his hands. I watched as he popped it open, while I was still ignorant of what he meant

"Sorry, what did sir?" I asked

"You haven't checked your email" he asked, popping the bottle open and pouring two glasses.

Quickly, I got out my phone from my jacket and checked. It was a forwarded email from my boss to me. It was from an organisation I'd just closed a deal with. One my boss had sought after for months now.

"Good Job, Zerah", he said, handing me a glass of wine. "Take the rest of the week off"

"Thank you, sir" Taking the glass from him, I grinned with pride as I took a sip.

This meant more commissions and rewards. A good cash at hand and probably a promotion that could elevate my career.

I left my boss's office that afternoon like a lady who had just won the lottery, Head high and smiling at everyone. The late nights, early mornings, relentless client meetings and calls paid off. I was proud of myself.

I fantasised about the huge numbers that would hit my account by the weekend. I would be able to foot some bills that have been choking me for weeks now and probably get that new apartment I craved for. And maybe this time, I'll get one that is more luxurious than my place, maybe one that has people in the upper echelon of Lagos. It was my sweat and I wanted to spoil myself with it.

I quickly called my house agent and asked him to find me an apartment with the description I had in mind. And by the next morning, he sent me pictures of an apartment. It was exactly what I wanted.

I rushed down to see it myself the following day. Satisfied with what I saw, I deposited some cash, promising to pay off the remaining by the weekend. I had high hopes for the money from the sealed deal.

The smile on the agent's face was satisfying as I put ink to paper on the apartment contract.

Little did I know that it'd all come to a halt just like traffic in Lagos on Monday morning by the next day. I sat at home packing my belongings and preparing to move out from my old apartment into the new one. I got a call from my boss.

"Zerah, I need you to come in today" his words devoid of excitement and hitting me sharp in my chest. Maybe they needed my account number for me to get paid. But then again, I remembered that the office had my account number.

Without wasting any time, I jumped up, grabbed my bags and got on the available transit to work.

I met my hoss with a few top company officials as I walked into his office. I greeted them, and then he ordered me to sit. It tried reading his face and it had no atom of happiness in it.

“Miss Zerah, there’s been a change,” he said, his words hanging in the air and my curiosity high at that point. What could be the change I thought. “They're pulling out"

"Who sir?" I knew what he meant but I wanted it to be a lie.

"The clients," he replied, his voice void of emotion.

"Why? Any reason for that?" I asked, disoriented by now.

"They said something about budget constraints" he got up with the other officials. "I'm sorry" he added and they walked out of the office.

I felt the office shrink. My mind raced, I can't explain how I felt, but I knew that if I had stood up immediately at that moment, I might have collapsed. So I sat tight on my chair and shut my eyes, taking deep breaths.

For the deal to be gone meant my commission was gone taking all my plans with it. The new apartment, which I had made a deposit on, how was I going to pay up? I had counted my chickens before they hatched.

I spent the remaining weeks surviving on what I had left as I had used all my cash to fully secure the apartment, for which I had already made a deposit. Because the agent didn't want to refund me and was also becoming torn in my flesh even as I explained my ordeal to him.

Trust me it wasn't easy. I stared at the empty walls of my new apartment at night. Waiting for the day my salary would be paid.

I got to realise that nothing is real until it's in your hands.

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