The Countdown.

The vibration from my mobile phone startled me back to reality. I walked up to the table where I placed the phone and saw a call from a strange number. For a moment, I hesitated to answer.


“Who could be calling me? Did I give my number to any stranger?” I muttered. When it seemed like my questions were going unanswered, I made the decision to pick up the phone call.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hey Wongi, it's James”

“James?! I do not have this number of yours.”

James chuckled lightly

“Yes, you do not. It is a new number.”

“And I almost didn't pick your call.”

He chuckled again.

“Good thing you did. Are you home?” He asked.

“Yes I am.”

“I will be there shortly. Just ensure the drinks in your refrigerator are chilled.”

“I'd be expecting you then”. I said as I ended the call.

James was one of my closest male friends. It had been ages since we last spoke or saw and I really didn't know what to expect. The last time we spoke however, he stated he was finally in a relationship and he was leaving town for a while.

Five minutes after the call, I heard a knock on my door. Again,I was startled. James couldn't have gotten to my door that fast. I walked up to the door and opened it.

“James?!” I yelled.

“Wongi,” he responded.

“Come in. Come in.” I said, leading him to the sitting room. Once he settled down, I got him a bottle of chilled Schweppes because that was his favourite drink last I checked.

Image is mine

“You look so different James. Your hair? You vowed never to cut it. What happened?” I asked. I honestly had so many questions but I tried my best to pace myself.

“Oh, the hair. I realised that I looked more responsible with low hair so I stuck with it.”

“You're right though. You do look more responsible.” I said and we both laughed for a bit.

Behind the laughter, I could tell that something was definitely amiss. James was always more jovial and whenever his countenance was the way I perceived it, something was wrong somewhere.

While I was still trying to make my calculations as to whether James had indeed changed or something was wrong, he blurted..

“My relationship ended two days ago.”

There it was.

“Oh James, I'm so sorry to hear that.” I said.

“It's okay. Nothing much. We just happened to grow out of love.” He said blandly.

The James I knew was a lover. He couldn't have possibly just grown out of love with a lady who he was willing to do anything for a few years back. Despite his attempts to brush off his heartbreak like water off a duck's back, I saw right through him and his antics.

“If you say so then. I believe you.” I assured him because I knew he wasn't in the mood to talk about it.

“I know you do not believe me but thank you either way.”

I smiled lightly before saying “two years.”

“Two years?” He echoed.

“Yes, two years. Scientists say that it takes roughly two years to get over a person you were in love with.”

“That's too long.”

“Well, it certainly cannot happen overnight James.”

“But wait, how did you know about this “two years discovery ", Wongi?”

I cleared my throat

“Let's just say my two years are still counting down.”

“Whoa!” James gasped in exhilaration. He was elated to know that he wasn't the only on the two year countdown.

“Nonetheless, if you ever wish to talk about it I'd be right here.” I assured James.

“Enough of the sad talk, let me tell you how the last few years outside town have been for me.” James initiated as we transitioned into a new topic of conversation.

It was undeniably more entertaining to hear about James' adventures instead. Also, it was comforting to have a good friend return home.

Love 🤍

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