Que Sera Sera..

I had a really fun and enlightening childhood. This was because I had older siblings who had towed certain paths and who were always there to guide me in the right direction. Also, I actively saw them go through certain stages in life and being a fast learner, I always picked up lessons from their experiences.


There was a time when an elderly gentleman opened a cyber cafe close to our house. This gentle man didn't just print and spiral bind documents, he also taught some students how to work the computer. At that point in my life, I hated anything that had to do with computers or the internet so I rarely set foot in this man's cyber cafe.

My sister on the other hand was in love with technology and so she usually visited this class from time to time. She wasn't a registered student but she was well known for her dexterity.

On one of those days, I was home doing nothing in particular when my sister hurriedly rushed into our room and slammed the door behind her.

"Where is mommy?" She asked, hiding something behind her.

"Mommy stepped out" I responded, cocking an eyebrow. "What are you hiding behind you?" I went ahead to ask.

"Nothing much, just a gift from someone".

"Let me have a look," I insisted.

My sister slowly brought her hand forward and in her hands were two fancy bags with labels that I could recognize from a mile away.

"Mr. Biggs?! Who bought these for you" I asked eagerly.

"It's Segun. One random guy from the cyber cafe".

"Segun? Random guy? Why would he buy you so many junks and edibles? Was there a trade?"

" TskThere wasn't any trade, little girl." My sister usually stressed the 'little girl' to remind me that she was four years older than me. "He walked up to me with these bags in public and it felt like everyone was looking. I didn't want him to get embarrassed so I got them. But I promise, I will return them" my sister spoke with so much speed.

"Why did you get it in the first place? It would be rude to return a gift" I responded.

"No, I have to return them. Segun has been professing his love for me and I told him that our union can never be possible. Accepting this gift would only mean that I an giving him a chance"

"Well, maybe you should give him a chance. You never can tell, something good may come out if it."

"I can't. I just can't. He's a really nice guy but I'm not ready to get into a relationship" my sister said, looking very weary.

"What is inside the bag though?" I asked in a bid to liven her mood.

"I have no idea. I didn't even check".

"How about we do?" I asked eagerly.

We rummaged through the bags and it felt like a mall inside those bags. There were a variety of confectioneries, sweets, plates of rice, drinks and ice cream! Ice cream was my favourite at the time.

"Noo. I'm definitely returning this" my sister yelled.

"But where would such a young boy get money to buy all these things? " I asked.

"That's the problem, I don't even know. He is just a regular student at the cyber cafe, who looks really decent. So where could he possibly get the money?

My sister and I sat on the bed for thirty minutes in total silence. I have no idea what was running through her mind but those confectioneries were definitely running through mine.

"How about we just dig in. A gift should be accepted in good faith" I said. My sixteen year old sister who clearly loved chocolates couldn't resist my offer.

"Let's dig in," she said reluctantly. What a glorious moment.

We prayed for another ten minutes in a bid to shush away all negativity surrounding the gift. After the prayer session, we munched on the confectioneries.

After we had eaten to our fill, we laid on our backs and started asking random and silly questions.

"What if mommy finds out?"

"What if the Segun guy wants something in return?

"What if he put a love potion in the ice cream?"

"What if this and what if that".

The next day, I got the opportunity to meet Segun. He was a really handsome looking fellow. Really outspoken and very humble for a teenager who had so much money.

I watched as my sister explained to him that she accepted the gift from the previous day but that was the last of it. I don't really know what she said after that but I'm certain that it wasn't something Segun liked hearing.

I knew how staunch my sister was after she made a decision. I knew that she was going to keep to her words and not lead the young lad on but somewhere deep down, I wished she did. At least that way, I would have gotten more junk days. Eitherway, theirs was a love that was never going to manifest.

Love, Wongi ✨

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