Creative Nonfiction in The Ink Well (Prompt #89: Words with "home" at the root) | Take 2: Homeopathy


It was back in 2014 when I sat for the HSC exam. After passing the exam, I would have to take part in the admissions war. I am such a person who cannot take decisions or make up h mind on anything. Guess what! I got it genetically! Throughout the year 2012–2014, my father decided I would get admitted to an engineering university, then he changed and told me I would have to get admitted to a medical college. After several days, it was engineering again. But, finally, he admitted me to a medical coaching center.

'I have admitted you to a medical admission coaching center. You will become a doctor,' said my father.

'Whatever you say,' with severe pain in my heart, I replied, as I did not and still do not like biology.

Although I was doing great in the mock exams, the Almighty had other plans for me. I was not selected for any medical college. Luck sent me on course to the Computer Science and Engineering degree.

Year 2015.

'As there is a second chance, why not take it and prepare for the medical admission exam again,' my parents told me.

'But my ego would not let me be a batchmate of those who are younger than me,' I replied.

After several sessions of emotional blackmail, I was then taking preparation for the second time to get a chance to be admitted to the medical college.

On the day of the exam, when I came out finishing the exam, I told my brother, 'If still I do not get selected in the medical college, then remember this: Almighty do not want me to get admitted in the medical college.'

I was confident, as the exam was beyond my expectations!

But there is the saying, Man Proposes, God Disposes!

I obtained more marks than the guy who got the first position in the previous year, so yeah, I could be selected to get admitted to the medical college. But, in that year, the question paper was leaked! So, I was not even eligible to get the previous year's top mark!


Naturally, I was heartbroken. I developed depression back then and still cannot manage to get rid of it. I am a man of a single target, and due to this chaotic situation, I messed up with my engineering exams at that time.

It was 2016. My parents could not get out of the need to get me admitted to the medical college.

'Well, if you want me to be a doctor so badly, why not admit me to homeopathy college,' I said jokingly one day.

My father, due to his work, was at sea. My mother conveyed this message to my father.

How the hell should I know? They would take my joke seriously! From childhood, I heard that parents could know all about their children even without speaking! Here I was seeing the total opposite, and at one point I was thinking, Am I their own child?

'Our son wants to get admitted to the Homeopathy College; you know someone there, right? Talk with him,' mother said to father over the phone.

'I am so happy you have taken the decision; I truly am. I will talk with your uncle about how to get admitted there,' my father told me.

'As you wish,' I was dying inside as they had taken my joke seriously, yet I was happy to see their happiness.

I was admitted to Homeopathy College, and I was continuing my BSc in Computer Science and Engineering.


My university class started at 8:00 am in the morning. I had to get out of my house around 7:30. The classes would end at 5:30 pm in the afternoon. From there, I would have to spend one and a half hour as the classes at the homeopathy college would begin at 7:00 pm and go on till 9:00 pm. So, on a daily basis, I was outside for about 14 hours of the day!

I tried to maintain both sides of the studies. I was getting restless. Yet for the hapiness of my parents, I was giving my most.

I got admitted to the Homeopathy College in January. In my country, that is when the new session starts. I thought, 'Okay, I have started at the beginning; I might be able to pull it off.'

No one bothered to tell me that the session of the Homeopathy College start at the mid year and I was only six months behind!

One day at the register office of the Homeopathy College.

'You have to pay the due of July to December,' said the middle-aged woman sitting behind the desk.

'Why is that?' I asked as I was surprised.

'The session started at July, and you have exam due on June, so you have to pay all the dues to sit for the examination,' she explained.

This was the broken point! I became angry instantly.

I shouted, 'Why you did not tell me this when I wanted to get admitted?'

She did not replied.

I tried to calm myself down and asked, 'So, after the payment, I would be able to sit for the exam. Okay I will pay at a later time. The books I bought from here will be enough for the examination?'

'Those are guidebooks; you still need to buy subjective books,' she answered.

I was scattered into million pieces. I said that I would come next day with the money to pay the college salary and buy the books.

Returning home, I argued with my parents and never went near the Homeopathy College again. They called from the college; I did not bother answering the calls.

Thus, I became not only a failure but also a quitter.

"Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit." - Vince Lombardi

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