"Lists of My New Year's Resolution"

To tell you honestly, I am not into having new year's resolutions. It could be the reason why I felt like my life has nowhere to go. Starting a new year as what it used to, that's how my life is going on for the past couple of years.

I believed with the saying, "Change is constant" but with regards of how my life is going on as of this moment, I wasn't able to apply it to myself. Even how many times I look at it, I felt like I was just stuck in that certain situation where I can't see anything which I can say, "Progress." But it doesn't mean I don't have any expectations. Like I said in my previous blog, this year has been so elusive to me, yet I saw some changes, not what I am expected it to be.

Seeing how the life of other people surrounds me, achieving their dreams, it makes me feel like I am inferior and ashamed to be around with them because I still don't have something to brag or maybe I am just thinking that I should one. It really just bothered me.

Four days ago, as I go on hustling in the platform, I came across another contest blog hosted by the community, "The Ink Well Creative Nonfiction Writing Prompt #10: New Year." So here today, let me share with you all about this topic.

This year, like I said in my previous blogs, I have experienced a lot of tough moments. More on the struggles of finding a job that can sustain our family needs stably. I have experienced a lot of rejections which terribly hurt me but despite all of that, I still have reasons to be thankful this year.

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Spend Less

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  • With the presence of online shopping apps, (shopee, lazada, etc.) I have been purchasing a lot of items online for this year. Some are useful and some are just for occasional purposes. I want to minimize spending so that I can do better on the next resolution that I want to do.

Save More

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  • As what I have said, I have been spending a lot this year. And with that I want to change that kind of habit. I want to save every last cent that I can have so that at the end of the day, I can have money when I need it especially in emergency purposes.


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  • Since I started to engage myself in blogging, I was able to acquire few knowledge about investments and trading. I know I still need to learn more of it especially that there are also a lot of scams out there. I want to learn to invest so that my money can grow and earn a passive income through it.

More than that, I also have new years resolutions for my well being;

Physical Health

  • Lately, I have been suffering a lot of body pain, especially lower back pains. I still don't know the reason of this tho but I think one of the reason is the lack of physical activities. I may have some Volleyball games but what I look forward is to have a regular excise routine. I want to be back in shape. This is also one of the ways of showing love for myself.

Emotional Health

  • Stress. This is the number one reason that affected my emotional well being. There were lots of factors why I gained this. For this new year, I look forward that as much as possible I can avoid the factors that will contribute stress to me. And with that, it can also help my mental health.

Social Health

  • For the past months of the year, I rarely engage myself to people physically. Like, I am mostly at home and rarely go out or hang out with my friends. It just happens when I have Volleyball games or family gatherings. So as the new year enters, I look forward to enhance more of my social skills, both in actual or virtual mode of communication. I look forward to build a strong foundation with the relationship I have with my parents, my family and friends, my boyfriend and his family, as well as the people I met and meet in real and virtual world.

Spiritual Health

  • Frankly speaking, I rarely visited the church. You can actually count it by hand. Yes, I am not kidding. Well, I do pray at home (in my room specifically) but I will admit, I didn't do it wholeheartedly as always. But despite that fact, I am very grateful to God for the wonderful gifts and blessings I received for 2022. I look forward to be more active in our church and the activities it will organize for the upcoming year/s.

And finally,

Learn to become a Risk Taker

  • "Opportunity knocks only once." I will definitely agree with this. I am actually rained with opportunities but I just wasted my chances because I am afraid that I will just ended up being rejected again or I ended up not lasting for long. It could be the reason why I am still in this kind of situation where I struggled to survive the day feeling the pressures. I want to learn on how to become a Risk Taker, how to overcome my fears of rejections. Hopefully, this coming new year, I, little by little, learn how to do it for good and for the betterment of myself.

Ending Thoughts:
It could be hard for the first time but I will try my best to make all of these resolutions happen. By making this blog, it should help me to become more attentive on the goals that I want to achieve for the year 2023 and the following years to come. Of course, Self-discipline is one of the tools for me to be able to achieve these.

May this New Year bring us prosperity!🎆🎉

That would be all fellas. Thank you for reading.


<Date Publish: 12/31/2022>
<Author: volleyren20>


Sources of the photos are indicated.💕
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