The amaze wealth.

The elephant in the room.

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In the kingdom of Usen, lived the great man with full potential, and worry, all the powers in the kingdom obey his commands and not even the dust of the earth does he own any explanation for his decision. King JaJa of Opopo Land, in southern part of Usen with his wife, children, and kings men. Nwan the i. Queen, and the most loved queen in Usen Kingdom. Sh is the wiser and widest queen in the palace among the seven wives of King Jaja of Opopo Kingdom.

King JaJa, made himself, the affluent of power and a ruler and knows all that happens in the kingdom, made himself the tasks master, and all the kingdom had, his signature is there. All the natural resources in the kingdom. Including all the business deals with the foreigners who had come into the land to do business with them.

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King Jaja, the great, is a fearless man who believes in the gratification, and Self priority, who does not take instruction, neither support anyone who stands on his way. He had announced, to the people, that foreigners will come into their land to do business with them. That every family with acres of lands should donate half of the lands in their family position. These Land will be used for a great development in the kingdom.


And everyone agreed because no one had ever doubted his wisdom, not even the priest, Udodo, the great, and the mouthpiece of the gods. King Jaja is considered the wiser man, who vision and words are honored by even the gods of the land. Then came into the Land the foreigner, with beautiful things, powers, and equipment that looks so strange and alienating to the people.

Which most kings, men like Okoro had considered the stranger magic to change their situation. Right in the palace, in seated the stranger, the head and his fore man, the King, and the cabinets with the news of their commencement of their development project in the lands of Usen Kingdom. And all agreed, including the priest, granted the approval.

As days, weeks, and months go bye, the land natural resources, keep going down, not even the priest and the entire cabinet is giving any good amenities, as it had been promised. Usen community, begin to experience a massive present of new interphase, where their crops in their farmland, and fishes in their rivers are all dying off. The Kingdom begins to face soil deficiency.

No one knows who the big elephant is, not even the god has been able to provide any substantial reasons for the new suffering of the people. The market and business of the kingdom, begins to crumble, while the yokes of riches are constantly harvested into an empty basket without a balance sheet.

Tear and anguishes, sorrow, become the new morning bell in the mouths of every home, in the kingdom. King Jaja the great keeps, telling the people to be patients with the strangers. That they are working harder to achieve and fulfill their promises to the Kingdom.

While the elephant is still unknown. The people, youths, woman, and children, many running out of patience, the sword is about to point at the elephant yet no one knows who the elephant is and while the elephant is exiting in the kingdom.

The people of Usen Kingdom believe so much in the wisdom of their gods, and the wisdom of the kind, and everyone is dying of hunger, starvation, and taskmaster is taking higher than what it used to be.

While the greatest and fearless King, Jaja persuades the people earnestly into patients with the visitors; after they had spent twos in the King.

The marvelous news of these investors in the kingdom by the King, to bring the new life and a resounding development to the kingdom, become an unexplainable nightmare.

Many questions begin to sprout in silence as none of them could speak to the king, if not gods alone. Nwan the most beautiful queen, that even the gods shines favor on her wisdom and paths become and worried too.

Why is my Lord, not worried about the suffering of the people in the recent times?

She asked herself, but no answer.

Children begin to dying, as a result of the polluted water, and food from their polluted ecosystem, yet King Jaja believes so much in the wisdom of the strangers to improve things.

After ten years of no evidence, queen Nwan, traveled to a far away Land if Ikomo, a land full of spirit of wisdom to uncover the secrets under the earth.

Her mission was to know the spear, and the reason, the strangers are taking time to turn the kingdom into the most beautiful kingdom in the world.

And why the present of the good seems to be a misfortune to them, totally opposite of the promise the king had made to the people, and why the gods are not speaking to Ikoro the grave master.

Her journey to uncover the elephant brought another chapter of the story. That no one knows who the elephant in the room is.

It is almost ten years now, the strangers are about to leave, most of their equipments, are being moved, through the Sea pot of the people, yet Kind Jaja silence speaks worst by day. His calmness brings more confusion in the minds of the people.

The eyes of the gods, is dumb
Orion muttered confused, just like the entire council.

Orio: I have called you all here, today to talk about the privailing situation in our Kingdom.I am suggest we look out for the solutions else where. Let this be a secret between us, Uchi, Ifo and Ikpa. These something strange about. Since the coming of these strangers things has changed totally. They are living tomorrow morning without fulfilling their promises. And the king knows about it.

Ifo: Hmm, the gods are wise, but what baffled me the most is that the King, our great lion is not saying anything about this.

Uchi: And not even the gods are to be blame. O, they have not failed us before. Our Kingdom is in trouble.

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Ikpa : Do not speak against our gods Ifo. They had protected us with their wisdom for years; but it is so chocking to see them remain silent in matters like this. So strange.

Uchi: We most seek for wisdom from another source.

Ikpa: Are you in doubt of our gods? Ikoro has serve this Kingdom with the message from the god, I don't think this us the right way to go about it but if we agree to go to the seven mountain of evocal, then I am in.

Ikoro: Now your talking, so go home from where, tomorrow we all we consult the chief priests and if we don't get any satisfactory messages from the gods, we will take a journey to the seven mountains of evocal to consult the daughter of the evil of evocal. Go my elders. Before the palace guards meets you in my home.

They all aggressively agreed, but the queen is out for the same mission. No one knows about her travel to Kiri land. The beautiful lambs had turned a goat, no one knows why all the great and trusted voices are silent. The Nex day they all summoned aggressively in the shrine to consult the gods over the predicaments.

Ikoro: what has brought you to my palace elders, this is not the annual sacrifice? Where is the King, for his annual cleansing?

Orio:Wise one when a rabit runs out in afternoon frrom the bush to the house of a farmer, then that farmer does not just have a visitor but should be worried of what could be chasing a rabit in such a time.

Ikoro: Your worlds are still not clear enough.

Uchi: Wise one, the strangers in our land about to live, the gods promised us that they will turn our land to a wealth Kingdom, but they are living, after we had given them the best part of our land for their business.

Ikap: Look at me wise one you can count the bones in my body, it is not my stature, it us hunger and starvation. I and my family cannot feed again, because we had given the best part if our land to these strangers yet nothing to show of for.

Orio: And the King is doing nothing about it. Wise one want do we do from her. Please plead with gods to speak to us, we here are the council in chief wise one before we all die of hunger.

Ikoro: The last time gods spoke to me was was given an instructions.

Irio: Yes wise what is the instructions, tell us that cis why we are here, what was the instructions.

Ikoro: To let the strangers go their ways, that the development they had brought in no time would be shared among the Nex generation.

Uchi: Wise one who then are these next generation, that we all don't know, moreover, it is the current generation that gives birth to the next generation. Wise one ir I don't feed well, how would I have the strength to meet my wife for a procreation of the nex generation?

Ikoro: Uchi, the question you ask, the answer to it is beyond your rich. The gods, has taken it decision over this matter. And that is the wealth and benefits of the strangers in our Kingdom would yield fruit and be shared among the next generation.

Uch: Wise one, hunger is among the current generation. And the gods want our wealth to be shared among the next generation? This is so mysterious wise one, what then I we going to eat and survive to the time we are going to join our ancestors wise?

Orio: Does an empty basket fetch water. Wise one what can be done about this? Can't something be done?

Ikoro: You all have ask your questions like men but the ways of the gods is not the ways of man. Go and feed on whatever you can. The gods has spoken.

And they went, looking so trouble. Now King Jaja summons everyone to the palace to speak to the people about their fate. The entire Kingdom ones gathered again in the moon light, the gunk struck three times, singnifying a criere man's gunk for emergency, wemen, children youths all running thab to the palace that evening.

Everyone arrives, the elders seated while the youths clusters like a check with anger on their faces. Immediately the third gunk shot appeared King, his wives and sons in the palace.

Seated everyone and Ikoro enter with some enhancement.
And sheine servants.

He began: Ikoro, for me I know the god are wise, the gods of my father's, had spoken a word and so had had come to pass.

Everyone listens attentively and wonder why the gods had decided to speak up after so many years and when all the strangers had gone back to their home. On the faces of everyone had written on it a thing to say but no one questions or speak when the gods and King Jaja has not commanded you.

JaJa: I have always trust your ears to be dilegetly inclined to the words of our ancestors. I have always believed so much in your messages, which had save our people over the years, from our enemies. The gods had never disappointed me, with his message. Ikoro the great, what is the message from the gods to his people this time?

Ikoro: Jaja, the King who had rule and fought with the greatest beast to save our people. Here is the message from the god. Feed on whatever you can, and wait patiently to join your ancestors, for the benefits of the strangers in our land will be ripe by the next generation.

Jaja: What do you mean by the benefits of the strangers will be rip by the next generation?

Uchi: What do you mean the eye of the camel?

Ikoro: When a proverb is told to a son of the soil and he still ask questions, it seems he is a foreigner in the land, Uchi.
It will be ripe by the next generation, the gods has spoken.

Nwan: My Lord, can't something be done. She swisppered into the Kings ears. The people are dying if hunger, they had given out all the beautiful part of their lands and rivers to the strangers.

Who are no where to be found. But come to think of it my Lord what will the nex generation benefits, because I nothing left to be rip while they are gone.

Ikoro: My queen Nwan, , the question you ask, the answer to is beyond your rich. The gods, decision over this matter is that the wealth and benefits of the strangers in our Kingdom will yield fruit and be shared among the next generation.

Ifo: You can see, the bones in my body. You can even counted them all, because of malnutrition. We all barely feed our children and wives.

Our goats are dying of hunger, because of no fresh green to feed on. Who are these next generation wise one, if we all die now?

Jaja: This is not the time for too many question; we all do not have such powers to question tthe gods. I do not have such power, let it be as the gods has spoken.

(In chorus) Long live the King!!!

Queen Nwan the most trustworthy queen that even the goddes falls in live with is worrd beyond the veil, she decided to take a journey, because she us a woman fall with wisdom, she perceived the an open secret. She believes the priest is not saying the truth just like the other elders had thought.

That took her seven nights to visit the spirit of dada in her matterner home land. A god who doesn't ly to weman, wh her father had served for years.

Now Nwan is back from the journey that took her seven nights to travel beyond the veil. Only to uncover that there is hidden treasure of wealth, riches from the returns made by the strangers given to to the king.

Which he had been hiding somewhere. Which had all been amassed and buried in the grand by the King for his used alone,

It is now an open secret, queen Nwan, discoveries began to trouble the kind. Nwan with her wisdom, begins to talk to the kind, to reveal the people's wealth to them and share it among the community members .

Then King agreed and turned a new leave, and shared the wealth among the members of the community in the kingdom.

Which ended the second journey that the other elders were preparing to take and the elephant in the room turned a new leave.

The Kingdom experience a genuine wealth every home, became richer than the other neighbouring Kingdoms of zalkuwa.

Usen Kingdom saw a different turne around. After few months of the disbursement of the wealth, King Jaja i. of Opopo dies on his way to appace the gids.

Death become the news knocking on the door of those who took part to blind fold the gods. Ikoro the chief priest who everyone believes in the powers of his extrammonde die in the shrine facing upwards. Signifying the death of a man who took course to ly to the people and again the gods.

And over time the gods had warned him to tell the King to share the wealth among the people, the wealth he has buried in the shrine. But Ikoro connied with the King to decieved the people.

After too many attempts by the elders to uncover the truth from the chief priests on the stand of the gods in the situation in the Kingdom. Ikoro told his Kings men that the gods has not spoken to him about it.

That the last time he, was given an instructions, to let the strangers god their ways, that the development they had brought in no time would be shared among the Nex generation. And the elephants in the Kingdom turned a leave but and paid dearly for their deception and extra vangant kife styles with the people's wealth.

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