
I recall a memory of a young man tall, light skinned in complexion, broad chests, full hair and a deep voice, this was my identical twin brother David, we were so identical that the only differentiation was our eye colour, I had dark eyes while my brother David had brown eyes.
Growing up I have always been the calm, cool headed and responsible one, while my brother David was the exact opposite, he was mischievous, he cared less about the people around him, not even me his twin brother. During secondary school I noticed how I was always punished unnecessarily for crimes I didn't commit and was never allowed a chance to explain myself, little did I know my brother was the one who has been putting blames of his crimes on me and since we were identical the school authorities would believe, I confronted him and he said;
"Come on brother what are we for, you take blames for me and I do same for you, we got each other's back"
" I don't like this at all stop committing these crimes" I countered,
" Okay okay I'm sorry I won't do that no more" he replied,
I forgave him and we moved on.
After our secondary education, we entered into the university together, the worst mistake I made was to study same course with my brother; electrical engineering.
Sooner than I imagined my brother played a fast one on me, I never knew he was going to steal my thunder but it happened anyways.
I have always harboured the dream of becoming the face of my department which is electrical engineering which came with so many privileges including; a cash price,a brand new car and close contact to the faculty Dean.
My brother David was very much in the know because I told him about it, his words when I told him about it didn't sit well with me,
"Face of electrical engineering? That's a lame position, so you're just going to waste your intelligence on such degrading position? Well all the best brother" he said.
The competition was to be an online competition but it was later moved to a particular location on school campus, now where it gets worse is that my brother David went behind my back and purchased the form for the same position I did purchase for, the day came and I was ready to leave then my brother stopped me asking;
"Do you know where you're going to?"
"What's that question supposed to mean? Of course I know where I'm headed" I replied, then my brother laughed at me;
" The venue for the competition has been changed, I'm sure you didn't know this" David continued, I was surprised, so I asked how he got the information;
"Here's the memo, it dropped three hours ago" he said showing me a fake memo and I thought it was real,
"Wow thanks so much brother you're indeed a life saver" I said
" It's no problem brother anything to support your dreams" David replied.
I saw that David was well dressed, I asked and he said;
"I've got a seminar to attend" I was amazed because my brother David has never willingly attended any seminar before. He left the house unknown to me he left to the actual venue of the competition and took part in the competition.
I arrived at the venue my brother showed me and the venue was empty, there wasn't a single soul there, after two hours a call came in asking why I didn't attend the competition, I said I was at the venue but nobody was there, the voice said your brother registered for same position and has been elected the face of electrical engineering department, hearing this I felt a sharp pain through my chest, I felt so betrayed that I broke down in tears, despite all I did for my brother he still betrayed me.
Now everything made sense to me, I regretted ever having a brother like him.

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