Uncomfortable lesson

It was a morning filled with deliberations. Only, I wasn't deliberating with someone else, I was deliberating with myself.

"Should I go to for class or not?"

That was the question that I pondered as I laid on my bed. I was torn between standing up, preparing to go to class and just lying down there, ditching class.

The previous day was really hectic for me. I was so exhausted and I slept late. As I contemplated whether to go to class or not, I kept drifting to sleep and waking back up.

We had a very important class that morning, but it was fixed really early.

"Who fixes a class by 7:30am?" I kept asking myself.

It was pure wickedness to me. The lecturer was a strict man. So strict that student seemed to fear him. While I contemplated whether to go to his class or not, the clouds got dark and it got windy. It was about to rain, and few minutes later, it began drizzling. I could still go to class despite the drizzling, but it was more encouragement to take the decision I wanted to take; just lay in bed.

I kept finding more reasons not to go, probably to satisfy my conscience..

"I've been going to class all this while. Missing this one time won't hurt" I told myself, finalizing my decision not to go for to class.

So I stayed back home, the rain and the cool weather encouraged me to sleep some more, and before I knew it, I was waking up by afternoon. When I woke, I decided to freshen up, eat, and watch a movie. I watched one movie after another until it was evening. The day moved really fast to me. I wanted it to last longer, but it seemed the day had other plans. It actually was a lazy day for me and I liked it. Perhaps, I needed it.

The next day, I was pumped up and ready for school activities. I got into campus and the first person that greeted me was my good friend Franklin.


"Hey man, it's good to see you. You weren't in class yesterday, what happened" he asked as we shook hands.

"Bro, it's a funny story. I woke up early, but I just could not get myself to leave my bed" I said

"Haha, for an important lecture like yesterday's own? You have a lot of guys man" Franklin said.

"I just wanted a break, and at least a day to myself man" I replied.

"Too sad. A lot of things happened yesterday. The lecturer counted us, shared us into groups, and gave us topics to work on for presentation. He said it was 40 marks and anyone who wasn't present yesterday has lost those 40 marks" Franklin said with a serious face.

I was shocked to my bones. How come no one mentioned this in the group chat?

"Are you really serious about this?" I asked him.

"Yes I am. You can ask anyone" he said

"I'm in trouble. What do I do now. So I'm going to lose 40 marks in this course that is so hard?" I saw myself asking more rhetorical questions.

"I'm sorry to say this but you know there's nothing you can do. You know the lecturer doesn't accept pleas. He's very strict."

At that point, I was sweating profusely in a cool weather. The lecturer, Dr Gerald had a well known reputation of setting incredibly hard exams. Consequently, there was always a high failure rate in his course every session. It was like he took pride in it. I wasn't sure of getting a reasonable score in his exam, and I was already losing 40 marks. It was obvious I was on the path to failing that course.

I couldn't afford to fail any course at that moment, not to talk of Dr Gerald's course.

"If I fail this course, what's the guarantee that I would pass it on my second try?" I asked myself.

If only I had overcome my laziness that morning and attended class, I wouldn't be in that situation.

"You need to see your face right now man. You look like your entire world had collapsed. Well, I was just pulling your legs." Franklin said.

"So you mean that was all a lie?" I asked

"Yes. Dr Gerald didn't share us into groups for presentation. It was just a normal lecture" he replied

I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Franklin, please don't do that again. You almost gave me hypertension"

"Sorry about that, but I wanted to see your reaction and it was funny. See this as a lesson though. Don't miss class again" he said

"Yes I've heard you, lesson teacher" I said in a sarcastic manner.

We walked to our lecture venue for that day, laughing all the way there.

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