The announcement


Johnson and Landon were brothers. Their parents died a long time ago. All they had was each other. They worked for the same company. Johnson got into the company earlier. Landon got into the company five years after Johnson got in.

The company had a vacancy for a top position. It was the position of the vice president of the company. This was the second-highest position in the company. The president was to appoint a new vice president from the company staff within two weeks. While a lot of people envied that position, and were willing to do anything to get it, everyone knew Johnson would most likely be the one to get that position. It was an open secret.

Johnson himself knew he was the most qualified to become the vice president of the company. He was the longest serving member of the company, he knew a lot about the company's processes. Johnson began moving like he was already the vice president of the company. He boasted and intimidated coworkers in a subtle manner.

Landon was happy for Johnson. Even though it hadn't been announced yet, he was happy that his brother was about achieving a huge milestone in such a big company. Landon was a hard worker. He always had a way with people. Customers always demanded for him. They preferred to be attended to by him. He had his way with people. Everyone loved him. His co-workers adored him, not because he was Johnson's brother, but because he was a dedicated, humble and smart individual.

Johnson and Landon were very close when they were kids. But as they grew older, their relationship grew far from what it used to be. They were close, but not as close as they were in childhood.

Raymond, was also in the running to be vice president. He was the second-longest serving staff member in the company. He was known to have a very good relationship with the company's President, Billy. One afternoon, while Johnson and Landon were having lunch, they got talking

"I'm worried bro. I feel like I may not get the position of the vice president", Johnson said.

"Why do you say so? You're the most qualified person for this position I can think of", Landon replied.

"I have a feeling Raymond will be picked ahead of me. I've been seeing him and Billy together a lot lately. Seems like Raymond is trying his absolute best to impress Billy", Johnson said.

"Yeah, I've noticed that too. But don't bother yourself bro. Just do your best work. I believe Billy will make the right choice eventually." said Landon.

"I hope he does make the right choice" Johnson replied.

The day finally came for the announcement from the company's President, Billy. The entire staff were informed to gather. Then Billy took the stage.

"I know you all have been anticipating and speculating about who the new vice president of the company is. Well, without wasting your time, the new Vice president is Landon".

The shock on the faces of everyone was intense. The shock Johnson felt was even more intense. He felt like he had just been stabbed in the back. He couldn't believe it.

Landon was also shocked. He couldn't believe it was his name Billy called.

"This has to be a mistake" Landon thought to himself.

Billy continued his speech.

"Landon has shown an incredible work ethic. In the past few months, he has brought in more profit to this company than anyone here in this building. It is rare to see someone as dedicated as he is. Please come over here, Landon" Billy said.

As Landon walked towards Billy, he could see that everyone's eyes were on him. He didn't know what to feel at that moment. As he got to where Billy stood, Billy offered him a handshake.

"Everyone, please give Landon your maximum cooperation. He is your new boss. I believe with this new position, he can take this company to greater heights. You can all get back to work now", Billy said.

The crowd dispersed, still in shock. Billy showed Landon his new office. It was huge, beautiful and exquisite. Landon never imagined occupying such an office at that stage in his career. He settled in, and he thought about what had happened. He found it hard to believe that he was chosen ahead of everyone who was higher than him in rank and career.

"How am I going to lead all these people?" He said, talking to himself.

He thought about his brother. He thought about how he would be faring, so he decided to go see Johnson in his office. Landon went into Johnson's office and could see the despair in his eyes.

"Congratulations boss. You have successfully stolen this position from me. How do you feel? I wonder how you managed to convince Billy to give you the position" Johnson said as he clapped his hands, trying to be sarcastic.

"Don't be ridiculous bro. I didn't ask for this. I had no idea I was going to be made vice president", Landon replied.

"You can't fool me, Brother. This is what you do. You get envious of me, and then you go ahead to take what is mine", Johnson said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Landon.

"Have you forgotten how you took Amy from me? I loved her, but in your usual way, you stole her from me." Johnson said.

"First of all, I didn't know you liked her. You said many times that she was just a friend to you. Second, she came after me and I fell in love with her" Landon replied

"You know what, get out of my office and get out of my life. I can't trust you anymore", Johnson said in a mean tone.

Landon took one last look at Johnson while leaving his office and he knew his brother now hated him. He hoped things had turned out differently. It broke his heart to see his brother feel that way towards him. But he was determined to make things right with his brother.

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