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theinkwell writing challenge | Season 2 Week 2 - The day we lost him

It’s been a long time since they have seen each other. Madeline was reminiscing the past, so many memories; good and bad; but so beautiful. She is sitting inside the café, waiting for Her to show up; her best friend; Catherine. Madeline was smiling while remembering the good old days; their childhood days as she took a sip from her cappuccino.


And then she remembered; the very reason they parted ways. Her eyes darkened; took a small sigh as she looks at her phone to check the time. 9 years; it’s been 9 years since that tragedy and Madeline remembers it like yesterday.

She says to herself “I wish I could go back in time. We were so wrong about it. Wish I could fix everything.”

Someone was calling her from behind, but Madeline was so deep in her own thoughts that she couldn’t hear.

Catherine: Madeline


Catherine: Madeline


Catherine: Madeline!!!! (she jerks Madeline away from her thoughts). Are you all alright? You seemed frozen. What were you thinking?

Madeline: Oh I’m sorry I was just remembering the good old days (laughs). Do you remember the time when we let out the sheep from Mr. Mahoney’s farm? They had no clue that we were behind it.

Catherine: Oh gosh, how can I forget! Do you remember that caretaker’s face when he was grabbing all the sheep and cursing everyone Hahaha (she laughs)? Such memorable times!

Waiter: Do you ladies need anything else?

Catherine: Yes I’ll have a cup of cinnamon cappuccino for now. We’ll order some more later. Thanks (she said smilingly). So, what’s up with you? (to Madeline)

Madeline: Yea everything is going alright. What about you? How are Steve and baby Koala (Catherine’s 4 years old son Matthew)?

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Catherine: (laughs) Your baby Koala is now going to kindergarten. And he still has his koala outfit. It’s been so long since we last met. Hey, our High School Reunion is coming. We should go.

Madeline: Uh you know Cate how I feel about that wretched place. I don’t want to go back there.

Catherine: Come on Maddie we were kids back then. Now we are grownups. Time has changed. We should go. (Catherine finishes her coffee and walks towards the sitting area outside and Madeline follows). It will be fun.

Madeline: No, please Cate I don’t want to go. You know the work at the gallery has gotten so hectic now. I can barely make time for myself.

Catherine: (annoyed) Oh don’t you give me that bullshit. I can see right through you. You have been avoiding me for years now. Why don’t you talk to me anymore, Maddie (her eyes tears up a little)?

Madeline: I’m sorry Cate. I can barely face myself. I feel so guilty all the time. I wish I hadn’t given you the idea to go to the party that day; then Caleb would still be alive (tears dropping from her eyes).


Catherine: (she says as she’s angry and crying) Madeline Joan Harris!! Listen to me!! It’s not your fault that I lost my brother. Do you get it? It was an accident. If you think it was your fault then I was just as involved as you are. He was my brother but you loved him too. We were wrong that things could go so horrible. We didn’t know. I hope he can forgive me; and the kind of person he was, I believe if he was given another chance then he’d have saved us again! (sniffing and smiles) And he would have smacked your head if he had seen you like this.

Madeline: (laughs) Yea he really would have done that. I wish I hadn’t dragged you to that party and those thugs wouldn’t have beaten him up; he’d still be here.

_Catherine: Those murderers are paying for their sins. I know it was wrong of us to sneak out for the party. Ugh, we were young and stupid. You should forgive yourself. I’m the one that lost the most. I lost my brother and my best friend. (sighs) Did you visit his grave?

Madeline: No I haven’t Cate. I can’t go to see him. It’s too painful.

Catherine: You know how much he loved you. You should go see him. You know what? Let’s go right now.

Catherine calls for the waiter to bring the check.

Madeline: Oh come on Cate. Not today, please. I’m not ready.

Catherine: You have to face him one day Maddie. Let’s go.

Madeline: Catherine Marie Grant-Knox you’re still just as stubborn as when you were only Grant.

Catherine: Huh I’ll never change (she chimes and they both laugh).

Catherine pays the bills and they move towards Madeline’s car. They get in and drive off to the cemetery where Caleb is buried.


Catherine: Hey Bro, look who’s here! Finally dragged her in. (pointing to Maddie) Go on talk to him.

Madeline gets near Caleb’s grave and sits down on the ground.

Madeline: Hey babe, sorry I haven’t come to see you in a while (she smiles). I wish I could talk to you in person to tell you how sorry I’m (tearing up). I don’t know how I can apologize.

Catherine: (to Maddie) You should talk to him. I’ll be nearby.

Madeline: Okay. (looks back at Caleb’s Headstone) I don’t know where to start. I don’t know what to say to make things normal. I… I feel so lost all the time without you. I curse myself for that day (sniffs). I can’t tell you how much I miss you. I wish I could go back in time to change everything, but I can’t. I can only bear this pain of losing you. I hope I get to see you soon enough. Love you always.

Madeline gets up and walks towards Catherine. They hug each other and Madeline breaks down.

Madeline: I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry Cate. I couldn't move on from what happened. I lost him. I lost him.

Catherine: It’s alright. You should let yourself heal. It’s been years. I’m not asking you to forget about him. I’m asking you to remember the good times, the happy memories that we share. Come one, let’s wipe those tears. Come to my place tonight. Hmm?

Madeline: (as she wipes her tears) Yea, I need a break from all this work too and need o spend more time with you. But let’s head to my place okay? Nooo first let’s go to our spot.

Catherine: (smiles) Sure I’m on it. Let’s go.

They watch the sun go down as they sit on the edge of the cliff.

Thank you everyone for giving me this opportunity. I hope you like my post. Thank you again.


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