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The image is mine.

I was told that love was a profoundly tender, passionate affection for someone and also a deep attraction. For many years, I had wondered how it was possible to have such affection for someone.

It sounded ridiculous to me and made me stayed in my comfort zone. I shielded myself from the love experience and wasn't bold enough to express it.

I had never found anyone so attractive to gain my interest and attention; not until Tara walked into my place of work.

I had been busy sorting out and signing files on my desk, which had to be sent to the Chief Executive Officer of my company for a final review when I looked up and my eyes fell on her.

She was very tall, about 5'6 fit and slim. Her skin was dark brown which glowed like crystal, her eyes were round and grey, with long lashes.

She had straight legs and cat-walked like the models on the TV fashion shows I do watch. She was elegant with a beautiful smile. I couldn't take my eyes off her as she stopped by to talk to Stella the Secretary.

I waited and hoped she turned to look at my direction so I could wave to her to get her attention. Sadly, she didn't, but followed Stella as she led her to the office of the CEO.

I slammed the desk with my fist and grunted for I was disappointed she didn't .

I finished signing the files in no time and arranged them neatly on the table. I sat on my seat and decided not to go for lunch, so I could say hi and get her number.

Stella came back with some files from the office and dropped them on my table. A confused look enveloped my face.

"Here, the boss asked me to give you this," she told me.

"What are these?" I asked.

"The Fishery contract with Eko Atlantic."

"Oh! I actually forgot about it."

She shot me a small smile and was about to leave when I stopped her. "Please, wait."

"Any problem?" her brows arched.

"The lady, who is she?"

"I don't know." She shrugged.

I let out a pent-up breath and said, "Okay. Thanks."

I watched her as she walked to her desk and darted my eyes to the door of the office. I just couldn't sit at my table and wait for the lady, I needed to get in there.

My gaze shifted to the signed files on the table, a small smile crept to my face. This was the only chance for me to get in.

I eased to my feet and carried the files, Stella eyed me as I edged to the office. I knocked on the door twice and opened when my boss asked me to.

A smile spread across his face as I greeted him.

"Good afternoon, sir."

"Good afternoon, Tayo. How's work today?"

"Fine, but stressful, " I said, and darted a glance at her. She was busy with her phone.

"I understand it is. If you don't mind, you can have a day off."

"No, sir. I am not complaining."

"Okay, If you say so. my cousin Tara," my boss said, "and Tara meet Tayo my personal assistant."

"Nice to meet, Tayo," she said, in a soft-spoken voice.

"Same here, Tara." My eyes met hers and interlocked.

"She just finished her studies."

"Congratulations," I said.

"Thank you," she replied.

"So, I guess you are done with the files," my boss said.

"Yes, sir." I handed the files to him.

He received it and perused them while Tara and I stared at each other. I smiled and she did as well, which made my heart fluttered.

I winked at her and made a sign asking her of her number with my hand; she understood and winked back.

"This is good," my boss who had been busy checking the files raised his head and looked at me. "You have done a good job here, Tayo."

"Thank you, sir."

"Give it to Stella to finish the details."

"Yes, sir." I collected them and shot Tara a wide smile before leaving.

I could barely conceal my delight when I stepped out of the office, with the wide smile still on my face.

Stella wondered why I was happy and asked to know.

"Why are you happy?"

"Never mind. The boss asked me to give you this."

"Okay. I will round up everything."

I shut down my system and lied to Stella I was going to get lunch. I stood outside behind the ATM machine building, where cars were parked. I knew Tara would be out in no time and didn't want to miss my chance.

I couldn't explain why I felt so attracted to her. I was just meeting her for the first time, yet was falling in love with her. This was Love at first sight.

She emerged from the main building and approached the parking lot where I was hiding. I called out to her and waved, she beamed and cat-walked towards me.

"Hey, Tayo."

"Hey, Tara. How're you doing?"

"Good. You?"


"Have we met before?" she asked.

"No, don't think so," I said, and dipped my hands into my pocket.

"Okay. Just wondering."

"Em... I want to say you are beautiful."

Her cheeks blushed. "Thank you."

"You are welcome. "

"So, what do you want?" she asked, with her brows quriked.

"Your number," I told her, looking straight into her eyes.

She smiled and looked away, without saying a word.

"Are you not going to give me?"

"Is that what you truly want?" she asked, shifting her gaze to me.

I gazed at her, with my heart racing. I didn't know how I lost my boldness and felt so scared to speak.

"Actually, " I exhaled, "I want us to be friends."

"Okay. That's not bad."

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and said, "Maybe more than friends."

She broke into a small laughter and flipped her hair. "Tayo, I knew what you wanted the very moment you looked at me in the office. Well, it's not a big deal."

My spirits brightened when I heard her words. "Your number?" I asked, again.


I gave her my phone and she punched the keypads. She gave it back to me with her number saved as Tara already.

"Thank you. I will give you a call."

"Be sure you do that. Have a lovely day, " she told me and walked to her car.

A small smile spread across my cheeks as she drove away. I didn't know when I jumped up in excitement.

I had found my lover.

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