Creativenonfiction #53 - The Love Letter

This prompt brought back memories of my days in secondary school. I believe at some point during our school days we had been the center of attraction to someone and being crushed on or having a crush on someone ourselves. I wasn't exempted as I got my fair share of being crushed on.

I remember I was in SSS1(which is the first level in senior secondary school). I came to school one day and opening my locker, I found a small envelope and Inside it was a letter addressed to me. I was surprised seeing that the locker in my desk was not tampered with as it remained locked but then I noticed that despite being locked, there was still a way to slide a small envelope inside.

I finished reading the letter with a smile on my face and was wondering who could have kept the letter there when my friend came from behind and dragged the letter from me, I tried running after her but she was almost at the front of the class, she was about to read it as well when Simeon, one of the most troublesome boys in our class took the letter from her. At that point, I knew there was no getting the Letter back.



"Wow! Someone's got a letter", said Simeon as he proceeded to read the content of the letter in front of the class and the students went all "awwnnnn" much to my annoyance.

"Who is this mystery guy?", One of my classmates asked me and I turned to her giving her an inside-eye, "He writes well", said another "but I hope he keeps the same energy when we are been given English assignments", this made the whole class erupt in laughter as they teased me and also wished to know who wrote a letter with those big vocabularies.

I paid them no heed and collected the letter instead. I initially wanted to keep the letter but since the whole class already knew the contents, I decided against keeping it but I couldn't help but wonder who the "mystery guy" was.

It was some years after we finished school that the mystery guy, Evans found a way to get my contact, and he chatted me up and confessed he wrote me the love letter then. I asked him why he didn't just come forward and he said he was ashamed after the whole fiasco and since he changed his handwriting, nobody could trace it to him.

I apologized on behalf of my friend and the troublesome guy but I told him maybe it was for the best he remained a mystery as I might not have reciprocated his feelings as I had a no-date rule while I was in secondary school. We laughed over the big words he used in the letter and he confessed he had to use a dictionary to get words that would make me swoon.

We lost touch some years back but I couldn't help but laugh whenever I remembered the letter. Indeed, people do a lot of things for love.

Thanks for reading.

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