Today I Went Out Without A Mask


Do you know the sand crackles when it rains?
As if joyously opening up to the sky's gift
My toes redden with the cold, purple
Veins furious with blood.
Scraps of seaweed drape over rusted wire
Caught by the tide - scraps & debris
Like when I breathe out, a shedding.

I have forgotten to feel with all of my skin.

The whorls of my fingerpads whirl like the water
Which knows no difference between my calves
Whales bones, gull's wing or the hard shell of a crab

I fold in half, exhale, suck in salt, rain & wing
Arms skyward, sky kisses face
Cold, cold air and cobalt skyline
The boundary between my self and the sea's self

Infinities in grains of sand and all that.

Maskless, my skin is alive to the world
Liminal boundaries
The soles of my feet suck at the earth
And I am grounded and flying at once -
into the depths of the grey sea.

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