Fiction: The secret

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The secret

The cell phone rang loudly, with that ringtone that recalled old times of childhood and video games. Demian's mind trembled with longing, wishing to return to that past full of experiences. That call would bring back memories of a not so distant past.

With an almost innate anxiety he picked up the cell phone, his clumsy finger searching for the green button, after a few seconds he managed to answer the call. A sensual voice shook him eardrum, those sounds reminded him of a love escaped in time. Mixed feelings bloomed in an act followed by reality.

he came back to the moment after a trance of sonorous emotions and repeated a name that increased him heart rate, "Yeimy, Yeimy...."

Behind the horn the voice confirmed the sonorous call, "Yes, it's me. Long time no talk, I didn't think you'd remember me." Her voice showed a subtle stutter.

"How can I forget you, you marked my whole life. I'm sorry for what happened...."

Suddenly Demian is interrupted by that voice that sobbed, to then resume the clarity of the moment, "Shut up, I don't want to remember that. I was just calling you to invite you to a coffee, I want to tell you some things."

Demian felt a terrible emotional shock with a distressing effect in the pit of his stomach. He lost track of his reality, began to hover ideas and conjectures with no basis in truth, shook his head of those thoughts that made his anguish already present from the beginning throb even more. "Sure, it could be, why not, where can we look at each other?"

"You remember the coffee shop where we always met, it could be there...." Yeimy would pause to keep from crying. "Wait for me tomorrow at two in the afternoon, if you can?"

Demian felt his head being eaten away by desperate ideas that filled all that atypical situation with uncertainty again. "It's okay, I can go no problem." A joy mixed with uncertainty and anxiety denoted his curt reply.

A quick farewell from Yeimy and then an almost sepulchral silence filled Demian's ears. The man's mind gave no respite between the constant dance of his thoughts and an insomnia that was taking over his sleep, hijacking him.

The fluffy pillow welcomed Demian's head, along with the swaying of the constant movement from side to side, while his brown eyes were lost in the thick darkness of that room where the pastel colors were diluted with the black dye of time.

Morning came slipping through the man's half-opened eyes. Drowsily Damian got up, groping his way to the bathroom, with a small flash of memory Demian remembered the importance of his appointment.

Hastily he went to get ready for the rendezvous, though doubts continued to haunt the man throughout his apartment. When it was time for the appointment, Demian felt his heart pounding uncontrollably, his stomach lurching along with anxiety and a million doubts.

He took a cab, as he gazed around the faded buildings, hallucinating about the meeting that had stolen his sleep. After about half an hour's ride, the cab stopped and the driver's voice brought Demian back to reality.

The man looked at the premises and immediately the memories came together in a mosaic of images, his mouth showed a slight smile, before the dull brown of the building and the advertisement in cursive letters inviting to romanticism. He took a few steps inside the shop, walking around the perfectly aligned wooden tables painted white on top.

After pacing back and forth with his gaze he looked at Yeimy who was raising her arm in a back-and-forth motion. Demian rushed over with nerves on edge and a tight embrace sealed the meeting of the former lovers. Lips drew smiles that evoked memories of better times. After the initial glee, Demian looked at a child sitting near Yeimy, the man began to ramble and the woman's sweet voice said, "Demian, meet your son."

Demian felt his lights go out and came to in a microsecond. "How, when, where?" he managed to say as a knot formed on his tongue.

"It's Denis, your son, he's been with me for five years. After what happened, I decided to move away and not see you again, the rage for the deception was stronger than my love. After a few months, Denis was born, my beautiful angel with caramel-colored hair and innocent eyes," Yeimy said as she let a tear fall on the white of the table.

"I understand it all, but what made you want to see me again?," asked Demian puzzled.

"I want you to take care of my dear Denis, as I will soon be leaving this world. A terminal cancer eats away at my being and well you know I have no family but you to take care of my little angel." Yeimy was pouncing on Demian's chest sobbing desperately and trying to hide her suffering from Denis.

"Don't worry, I will take care of our child and you can come live with me. I still love you like the first day." After those words the lovers' lips met, sealing a new beginning.

Demian made Yeimy's last moments the happiest with Denis, they were a wonderful family and the boy came to love his father as much as his mother.

After a long struggle Yeimy departed this world, Demian and Denis were left together and as they watched the sunset holding hands, they could see Yeimy draw in the mischievous clouds and throw a smile of love to their two beloved men.

The end


Sources of the cover image Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 Edited by Rincón Poético.

Text authored by:
Camilo Torres

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