The call that got me in trouble

Due to my title, you might be wondering what kind of call got me into trouble. Experience is a great teacher and this is why I learn from everything happening around me. I am a good listener and a learner of course because I know repeating a mistake twice can be dangerous at times if not all the time. Growing up as a child, I was taught to always speak the truth no matter what, which I kept in mind even though I violated the teachings at times.

I decided to put the teaching to practice one afternoon while I was still in secondary school. A scenario occurred in school one faithful day, one of my classmate's school fees was stolen. The whole class went for practicals in the chemistry laboratory that afternoon and unfortunately, we were not allowed to enter the laboratory with our bags, therefore we had to keep the bags in the class.

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Mostly the practicals are done in our booklet with pencil as our writing material, after everyone has gathered and we are about to start the class, I noticed I didn't pick up my pencil. I immediately excused myself and ran off to the classroom but as I was about to reach the doorstep, I saw something unusual. What could be unusual when all the classmates are not in the class? I guess you might be thinking that, well it was unusual as I have thought otherwise of the person committing the crime.

I saw one of the so-called big girls in class stealing from the girl's bag who happened to be her friend. In my class then, we had certain numbers of girls that we referred to as big girls because that was what they called themselves. The victim and the one who stole the money belong to the same group or caucus, I guess she knew her friend came to school with some money. I watched her closely as she took the money from her friend's bag into ours and pretended like nothing happened.

I felt so disappointed in her because I wasn't expecting such an act from her. I hid at one of the pillars of the classroom as I watched her leave the classroom. I picked up my pencil from my bag and left for the practical. After the practical was done, we all returned to the class and I watched her as she was acting so innocently. The victim didn't notice her money was lost until she was about to go make the payment and the money was nowhere to be found. She cried out screaming "My money has been stolen, who stole my money?".

Her friend who stole the money was sympathizing with her, looking at her go through pain, yet she didn't confess to stealing the money. The victim ran out to the staff room to inform our class teacher who detests such an act in his class. He is one of the school's disciplinary committee, therefore he doesn't appreciate his class members getting involved in such an act. He hurried over to the class asking every one of us questions, after a while, he noticed there wasn't any progress then he asked us all to kneel outside the classroom.

He called the class representative to ask a few questions about those who weren't in the laboratory when he came to check on us. As a typical Nigerian secondary school, some of the class started to murmur as they began to mention the names of students who weren't in the laboratory when he came.


My name was mentioned and I stood up to meet him where he was sitting. He looked at me with a stern face and asked "Where were you when others were in the laboratory?". Because of his strict nature, I couldn't compose myself well enough and I could see my classmates looking at each other, probably thinking I stole the money. I could read the expressions on their faces, and after a while, I was able to talk explaining why I left the laboratory.

After questioning the other students, and yet no progress, he decided to make it compulsory for every member of the class to contribute a certain amount of money to refund the victim. Suddenly, I felt uneasy with my conscience pricking me, "I am not the thief" I said to myself. Immediately my teacher was about to leave, I called him back and told him, I knew who stole the money, everywhere went silent as the other students got anxious to know who stole the money.

"I saw her (pointing to the girl who stole the money) taking the money from the victim's bag into her bag when everyone went to the laboratory". She looked terrified, trembling as everyone cast their gazes upon her. Our teacher ordered for her bag to be brought as they searched every corner of the bag. Suddenly our teacher paused and looked at us all then brought out the money, and the whole class exclaimed. It was an embarrassing moment for her, she gave me a stern look that passed a message to me, I knew I could be in trouble.

She was scolded and the whole class pointed accusing fingers at her. Her friend dissociated herself from her that day, it was the end of their friendship. After the whole issue had died down, one faithful afternoon after the closing hour, I left my chemistry notebook in the class and I hurried back to get it when I was waylaid by the girl who stole the money and her loyalty. "Do you think I forgot? You have a mind to point me out, who do you think you are? I'm going to teach you a lesson to always keep your mouth shut, you must not say all you see".

At that point, I was terrified because I couldn't overpower them as they were four in number. Before I could say a word in defense, she gave me a hot slap that made me feel weak. Before they could proceed with the punishment, a teacher passing by helped me out of the situation that was how I was saved from getting beaten to a pulp. Saying the truth dished out a hot slap to me that day, I wish I hadn't answered when I was called but I was glad I exposed her also.

Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.

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