My mother's connections-The in well Creative Nonfiction Prompt #34.

My mother was born in 1922, at that time, in Venezuela and in her town, there were no roads to communicate from one town to another, communication was as far as the legs of horses and donkeys could go. And by means of the passers-by who moved on foot from one town to another, that is how he spent his adolescence. As an adult. He got married and moved to Mari guitar. There he knew the means of communication "The telegraph" this was done by telegram, which was expensive, the sending was charged by written words. Then we emigrated to Cumaná, there, he also saw the post office or telegraph. There he also saw the telegraph offices and sent letters to his relatives in and out of Venezuela. This was the only way to establish a connection with them. Then came the innovation of home telephones. By this time we did not have a telephone, because this means of communication was very expensive, we did not have enough economic resources to have this service.

One day I was having a conversation with my mother and she suddenly told me that she had had her connection mentalwith people and animals when I was about to enter high school. I told her about it when I came home from class, and we continued the conversation. When I returned in the afternoon, I asked for her blessing, at the time she was designing a dress I asked her:

"Whose is that thing you are making?".

"From my friend Toña Sanchez, I have had her in my thoughts today".

A few seconds later friend appeared, very excited told her:

"I brought you with my thoughts, in these moments I thought of you, I just named you, and you arrived so fast"
I was close by and I said to myself". It is true that she got the connection right".
When Mrs. Toña left. I was very curious about that mental connection by of my mother with the animals. i asked her:

"Mom, can you explain to me how is your mental connection with animals?".

She immediately answered:

"When I hear a cricket emitting a low sound, I establish a mental connection with it and I know that some relative is coming home, we must not let the cricket escape, because whoever comes will get sick." I smiled slyly.

Several days passed. My sister Aurora was alone in the house. She took the sweeping brush and began to clean the walls of the house. My sister saw the cricket that had been emitting a deafening sound for days. She chased it with the brush, making it flee to another house. At the time of her escape. She arrived at the house accompanied by her daughter, Leonides' niece. Half an hour after the girl had been there, she began to vomit. When my mother came home and did not hear the cricket singing. She asked,

"Which one of you scared the cricket away?"

. Aurora answered:

" yo."

Leonides, her hands trembled, like the leaves on the trees, in times of wind. Very annoyed, she answered:

"I told Ramona not to do that, because whoever gets home, will get sick".

She paused, then continued:

"For not listening, see how the girl is."

Aurora apologized. Adding:

" I was unaware of that information".

From that moment on, my mother's house never had a cricket flee again. Since there stayed many relatives who came from Marigüitar to be treated medically in the hospital or to carry out any errand in this city. And as we followed our mother's instructions. Everyone who arrived did not get sick.

With the passing of the years these mental connections of my mother were left in the past, everyone who knew her remembers her, they say they have not met another person like her, she had empathy to make friends with one or more people and animals.

Nowadays, with the technological advances of computers and modern cell phones, with all the applications they bring, especially the Social Networks, we establish communication connections with one or more people who are anywhere in the world. Through video calls I communicate with my son Ernesto, who emigrated to Brazil a month ago in search of a job. Daily, I call him, and he notified me that he is working in a company where they manufacture buses, he is doing very well and is in good health. And I can feel and visualize this through these connections. For these reasons I feel very happy.

This is a non-fiction story
I hope you like it
the pictures are from pixabay
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