I ask my parents for forgiveness - The InkWell Fiction Prompt #134

I ask my parents for forgiveness

Mrs. Josefina lives with her husband Armando in a very large colonial style house. She used to work as a secretary in an institution, and he is a colonel in the National Guard, in the city where they live. Now quite old, they long to have a child, as they have never conceived one.

A very young maid, named Luisa, came to work at their house to do the housework. She has recently become pregnant. To Josefina she said:

"I don't want to have that child. It came because of an oversight.

Josefina on hearing these words was thoughtful and said to herself:

"Look what life is, I don't have a child. And this young woman, who is going to have one, doesn't want one". She retired to her room and wept silently.

When her husband arrived, seeing her immersed in such sadness, he asked her:

"What's the matter, love, why are you so sad, you haven't even come out to greet me?".

She hugged him and cried a lot. Armando consoled her by saying:

"Calm down, what's the reason, why are you so discouraged?

She told him the words she had with the maid. He answered her:

"Propose that when that child is born, she will give it to you for adoption, we will raise it, as if it were our own."

The next day, when the maid arrived, Josephine made her proposal. The maid said:

"Okay, sure, that child is for you, I don't want it".

Josefina felt such inner happiness that she could not articulate words. Her eyes flooded with tears, she got up and went to her bedroom, sat on her bed and thanked God for such happiness. When her husband arrived, she ran to greet him, hugged him and told him the good news,

He said to her:

"Let us pray to God that the child will be born well."

She replied

"It is true, my love". Armando said to her

"Take the young lady tomorrow for prenatal consultation with an obstetrician, here is enough money for the consultation and her medicines."

The next day, the two went to the gynecologist. They explained to the doctor that the girl would give him the child, because she did not want to have him. The doctor made her a proposition:

"Mrs. Josephine if you register here as being the pregnant one during all the consultations on the day of delivery. You will be registered as the one who gave birth. And automatically that child is yours. There is no need to do the paperwork to adopt it.

Josefina replied:

"Then, doctor, register me as a patient".

Months passed and on the day of delivery, Josefina and Armando accompanied the young woman to the clinic. Soon after, she gave birth to a baby girl, whom they named Esmeralda because her eyes were as green as emerald stone.

When they arrived home, the girl's mother told the couple that she no longer wanted to live there, that she did not want to have contact with the child and left. They never heard from her again.

Fifteen years passed. Her father, a colonel in the National Guard, organized a party for her at a five-star hotel. Many people from high society attended. In Lovey's room in that hotel, some old ladies of the upper class gathered and gossiped among themselves, who would they steal such a beautiful girl from? There they made conjectures and guesses.

When the party was about to end, one of those old women approached Esmeralda and said:

"Those parents you have are not your biological parents."

She asked her:

"How do you know that? The lady replied:

"Don't you see that they are too old to be your parents". The young woman replied:

"From so much love they have given me, I have not noticed their old age, I love them"

The young woman did not say anything to her parents, because they loved her too much. But that gossip sowed doubt in her.

That same year, Esmeralda graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree. Her parents gave her a little reunion with her classmates at the Casino Military.

There she met a young man, named Cesar, who became interested in her and as the months went by, love came.

Cesar invited her to his house, so that she could meet his parents. When they arrived at the mansion. Esmeralda, when she saw the young man's mother, her face turned so white. Like the foam of the waves of the sea, her hands trembled. The young man says to her:

"Mother, meet my bride."

The mother, with a gesture of displeasure, did not extend her hand to him only said:

"Nice to meet you, Ana".

Esmeralda felt so uncomfortable, she looked at her boyfriend and said:

"Please take me home, I feel sick."

While they were in the car, she said to him:

"As soon as I get home, you leave me, and please don't get off."
He obeyed and they said goodbye.

When she entered her house she found her parents, when she looked at them, she burst into tears, her father hugged her and consoled her, then he said:

"Daughter, what have they done to you, why are you like this?".

After a short time, she calmed down and said to her mother and father:

"I want you to tell me the truth, who are my "biological parents, Today I have suffered scorn from my boyfriend's mother."

Her very distressed father says to her:

"I will tell you the truth about your birth".

He told her in great detail how the events happened and her biological mother's attitude towards her.

Esmeralda knelt down and asked her parents for forgiveness for having thought badly of them. With tears in her eyes, she hugged them and told her mother:

"Mother is not the one who gives birth, but the one who raises. Today I appreciated them more than ever. I love them.

From that moment on everything went back to the way it was before, she loved her parents more and more every day. She broke off her love affair with her boyfriend, as she could no longer tolerate her mother.

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