Candelaria- The Ink Well Fiction - Prompt #115

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She is a lady of 40 years old, she lives in a neighborhood in Barquisimeto, in a very simple little house, located in front of a square. She has a son, named Edwin, a very elegant young man, with brown eyes and straight black hair. He emigrated to Peru in search of work. Reason for which she is alone, her work is in a store selling lottery figures of animals designated with a number. Because of her kindness in her work, her users affectionately call her Cayaya.

From the moment her son left for that other country, she felt very sad, but she was encouraged to eliminate that loneliness, thinking that her son would get a good job, since he graduated from the Emilio Tébar Carrasco Technical School as an Electronics Technician. Several months went by and her son phoned her to tell her:

"Hi mom,¿ how are you?, blessing, I want to tell you that I am working in a factory of household appliances" She answered:

"God bless you, I am glad you got a job, you know, take care of yourself".

Time went by, Cayaya was at her job at the lottery agency, when she received a call on her cell phone:

"Good morning, ¿are you Mrs. Candelaria Marquez Charlo?, "yes, at your service, what can I do for you?".

"We are calling you from Interpol, to notify you that your son is in prison in this country for committing a crime".

Cayaya drops the phone, desperate for that news, suffers a fainting spell, her users who are present, help her, give her an alcohol inhalation and soon she regains consciousness, picks up the receiver and calls back to the number she had recorded in that communication instrument, with trembling hands like the leaves of the trees in windstorms and very muffled voice, terrified by fear, very nervous, Candelaria says:

"Excuse me for interrupting your call, for me that was a very unpleasant surprise, which I was not expecting" The detective tells him:

"I inform you that your son has been sentenced to 5 years in prison".

"That can't be" answers Cayaya very distressed":

"Sir, can I call my son by phone to that penitentiary center? I don't have the resources to travel".

"You are granted a benefit, you can call him by phone, once every three months". The official replied.

With no other alternative left, she is satisfied with what has just happened to her, Candelaria, says goodbye:

"Ok, sir have a happy day".

Meanwhile in the Penitentiary Edwin is worried because other prisoners have been asking for trouble, he fought with them and they gave him so many blows, that they left him without walking for a week, in the end he had to join them, to be in peace.

After three months of being in prison, a prison guard came to his cell and told him to come with me, you have a phone call from your mother. He was very excited and Cayaya from his cell phone with a pain that emanated from the deepest part of his heart, said to him

"Hello, son how are you, God bless you" from the other handset, Edwin sobbing answers :

"Forgive me, mother, for having deceived you, but this I have more than paid for" she replies:

"I have nothing to forgive you, I suppose all the hardships you have lived through in that prison, I hope this will make you change."

"Holy little mother, I promise you that if I manage to get out of this penitentiary alive".

"I will be a new man, mother, how much it hurts me to make you suffer". He pauses for a moment because the crying does not allow him to speak... then he continues:

"This way, they are hurrying me to finish the call". Candelaria, very sad, says:

"Goodbye, Edwin, receive my blessing, may God take care of you, see you later".

Five years passed and Edwin was free, he returned to Barquisimeto, when he arrived home he hugged his mother, knelt down and told her:
"I am sorry, that happened to me for hanging out with bad people, I made an armed robbery and it cost me to be in jail during all that time".

His mother held out her arms to him and he got up saying:

"I will live to make you happy every day, to make amends for the pain I caused you" Edwin, replied.

Today Edwin has set up a repair shop in an annex of Cayaya's house, where he repairs household appliances and has earned the trust and respect of his customers and neighbors.

At present, Cayaya is proud of her son and feels like the happiest mother in the world, next to him.

This is a fictional story
I hope you like it
The drawing is by me
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