I never expected the surprise

All the images in the article was captured by me.

It was new year's Eve (crossover night), I left the house for my boyfriend's church because we always attend the same church on a day like that so that I can be the first person to say a happy new year to him and he can be my first too.

On getting to his house he was not ready around 10:00 pm. I asked him why and he said he doesn't want to go to church for the crossover, I got angry and left for church alone.

The service was great to the extent that I do not even remember that my boyfriend wasn't there, the choir ministration was so touching and amazing so I danced away all my worries and sorrows.

The prayer points too were good because we were asked to tell God what we wanted for the new year and what we don't want which I did and one of my prayer points was that I am tired of being a girlfriend.

Being a girlfriend doesn't mean anything to some guys again so once they talk to you and you tell them"I have a boyfriend" they will laugh at you as if you are not serious with life.

I wanted to move my relationship forward meanwhile I can't do that without my boyfriend's readiness to become a husband and I don't want to be desperate about it.

The service finished and everyone was set the leave the church. Immediately I got outside, I saw my boyfriend standing at the entrance and I was surprised to see him because he said he didn't want to go before.

We both left the church together and when we got home I met flowers on the bed as if we are celebrating an anniversary and while I was looking so surprised because of the flower, he brought out a ring from his pocket and said; will you spend the rest of your life with me?

The picture belongs to me.

It was a surprise on the first day of the year and I couldn't hold back my happiness. NO wasn't an option because it has always been my plan to move the relationship forward but I can't because he has to come from him, so I said YES.

The last thing I was expecting from him was a proposal but I guess God put my prayer point on the front page of the year so that is why I got an instant answer to my prayer.

Immediately he put the ring on my finger, I remembered my mom fighting me to get married and I smiled because her dream is coming true gradually, a lot of things keeps coming to my head like how I would look on my wedding day.

The picture belongs to me.

Who wouldn't think about it when your wish is becoming a reality, I was so happy because we have been through a lot in the relationship.

So how can I not be happy to have his ring, some of my friends in the university back then thought we will never make it but thank God we passed that stage and here we are now in love like when it just started.

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