My waking dreams - Creative Nonfiction in The Ink Well: Prompt #21

My waking dreams


First of all, a greeting to all, You know since I was very young I have had infinite dreams while awake and I have had the opportunity to realize many of those dreams, but currently I have several dreams that I hope to achieve if the situation allows me to do so.

One of the dreams I have is to be able to make a series of changes that will help me to improve my appearance even more, it is possible to achieve this dream, but it will only take me time. I am one of those people who likes to achieve things on their own merits and I am not saying that receiving help is bad, it is just that I do not usually ask for help from other people, I do not know if it is because I am proud or there is another reason.

My other dream is something material that I want to buy, but like the dream already named, it will also take me time to achieve given my situation, but I do not think about giving up and see my dreams materialize, for me they are more than dreams, they are goals, they are achievements that I want to achieve and every year I tend to try to achieve a dream, goals or achievements as you want to call them, it is a tradition that I created 20 years ago and I always fight to make it come true.

Another of my waking dreams is to have someone to trust without fear of thinking that he will betray me or judge me, for some time I have felt that I am alone and I do not mean physically, because I know too many people and when I say that I mean that exaggeratedly are many people, but what good is it to know so many people and feel alone I understand! It is something that for me is a daily struggle and for that reason is the fourth dream I have, is to change my mentality even more than I have changed, I'm already 1 year in a process of mental change and I am surprised that I have achieved some changes, but I need more changes.

You know, thinking about my life here, I realize that it is hard and even so I do not understand how I manage to cope with everything, although there is a little phrase that I always keep in mind that says: "This world is created for strong minded people, the weak minded do not survive" since that phrase came to my mind I have drawn strength to have my strong mind, I do not know if I heard or read it from someone, but it appeared in my thoughts many years ago and since then I always have it present.

One of the daydreams that I have achieved was to be a loyal person, because when I was 16 years old I was not loyal at all and I learned the hardest way a person can learn, another of my dreams that I have achieved is to express my feelings with a little more freedom, since before I was a more closed person in itself and did not express anything, another thing I have daydreamed is to have a computer and I achieved it, it is not the best, but it serves me for some things I need as it is: writing small stories and one that I am preparing that is big, to make some learning study, watch some movies, series, read some digital books, watch some news and know about some technological advances. I also dream of getting a better computer, but at the moment I want to realize my other dreams first.

I think that's all I can tell you about my dreams for the moment, you will hear about others in due time and I truly thank the whole team of @theinkwell and all the members of the community for allowing people like me to express what we dream or feel through our stories and to feel a little support. Thank you all.


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