My happy surprise - Creative Nonfiction in The Ink Well: Prompt #18

My happy surprise


Since I was a child I have always liked surprises, just the excitement you feel when you get something you do not expect, just a memory comes to me when I was 13 years old, I got a bicycle rin 20, I remember the colors it had, light green with black, that was my Christmas present, I thought at that time that I would not get anything because I was always misbehaving, I was very naughty and I think that at 39 years old, I still have something naugh.

A thought of my own in which I believe.

"Good surprises gladden the soul and bad surprises leave a teaching."

Just remembering some of the surprises that have given me throughout my life, I am very excited and happy, I thank God for each of the people who managed to surprise me, since it is not easy to surprise me because I tend to analyze some behaviors of the people around me.

I also remember how some friends surprised me with a cake on my birthday, the truth is that I don't usually celebrate my birthday, but some years ago my friends gave me that surprise and I am really glad, I thank them all because I was going through a difficult time at that time.

I still have a surprise that an ex-girlfriend gave me about 10 years ago, she gave me a carved wooden heart and also another one made with a metallic blue wire, of course she surprised me with those hearts at different times, now we are friends since we stopped being boyfriend and girlfriend, she is a very good friend and the truth is that I appreciate her.

I have been through many things in my life and fate has also surprised me in different ways, including painful things like when I was on vacation in the capital of my country and they call me to give me the bad news of the death of an aunt who I loved as my second mother, these are things that I still remember with deep pain, but fate has also surprised me with moments of happiness. Like the time I was hospitalized and I felt so bad that I thought I was going to die and I remember that I got worse with an injection they gave me, some aunts that were with me at that moment got scared because they saw how I was turning purple because I could not breathe, I remember they called the doctor and they started to treat me, they gave me oxygen and other things, but destiny did not let me die, The truth is that I am surprised to have been saved that day, you know there are so many things that I have gone through and learned, I am one of those who think that in life you have to take advantage of opportunities to learn, acquire a lesson and share it with others so that they know how to react if the same thing happens to them.

I remember the surprise that a great friend of mine gave me, when he chose me as godfather of his last son, the truth is that I did not expect it since he could have chosen anyone, after that I had the opportunity to be present in the most important moments of the life of that great friend.

I thank the community of the ink well, for allowing me to remember the surprises that many people have made me, the surprises that life has given me and that I have shared with many of my friends, thanks @theinkwell and to you who are reading my post for taking a little of your time to read my publication I appreciate it, I send a big hug to the team of the ink well and to each of the members of the community.


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