A brush with destiny

Since my early years, Mary has been a close friend. As twins, humans frequently make mistakes. I adore her character and charisma so much. She has had a significant influence on my academic performance.

It was well known that Mary's father was a working artist. His employment brought him recognition in large state corporations, but it also required him to live far from his family. He never makes time to spend with his family. He never turns over a fresh leaf, as his wife has often lamented, but he has responded by saying that she constantly bothers him. Most of the time, his kids genuinely miss their dad.

The wife first decides that none of her kids will pursue careers in art as a result. But the decision seems not to be strong enough to stop her daughter from becoming an artist.

Mary was renowned for her paintings, which displayed an amazing attention to detail. She felt that an artwork may be made or broken by the smallest touches.

Mr. Johnson, an affluent foreign art collector, visited the neighborhood one day. He was searching for exquisite pieces of art for his opulent home. Mary's talent was brought to his attention, and he desired a picture for his opulent estate. He was unaware that Mary's father worked as a professional artist. Mary jumped at the chance to take up the work.

Andrea piachquadio

Mary gave the painting her entire attention for several weeks. She painted with great care, making sure that every little detail was flawless. She thought that the fine details were what made her work beautiful.

At last, the day arrived for Mary to show Mr. Johnson her masterpiece. He appeared happy as he studied the painting. But his joy vanished the moment he saw a little imperfection in one corner of the piece of art. It was a tiny paint smear that Mary had missed.

Mr. Johnson declined to take the painting, clearly disappointed. Maya felt crushed. She was baffled as to how one tiny error might destroy an entire work of art.

As Mary considered what had transpired, she came to understand the meaning of the proverb, "The devil is in the details." She knew that even the smallest mistake could have a big effect on the final result. Mary committed herself that day to focusing even more on the details of her artwork.

My friend hasn't been alone since Mr. Johnson rejected her painting.

One faithful day, after I walked her home, I encouraged her to take heart and not to bother about the incident. The following day, her mother came to my mom's place to inform her that Mary had been admitted to the hospital due to kidney failure.

It was like a dream to me. When I heard about it, I followed my mom to the hospital to check on her.

Her mother has to inform her about Mary's sickness. When her dad heard about it, he rushed to the hospital. His wife narrates what had happened to both the competition and how it affected her health.

He regretted it so badly that he decided to be a donor for his daughter. It went so well that his kidneys were good enough for him to donate them to his daughter.

This leads the family to be united as a whole, and her father makes an effort to create time for his family.

Mary spent a month in the hospital, and his father decided to teach her so well about artwork.

Another competition came around from abroad, and Mary felt so excited to attend the competition that she ended up winning it. She was given a scholarship to study abroad.

I miss her a lot because she's tedious in reading and also always ready to work with full passion.

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