A Day In The Hospital.

Going to the hospital once a while is something I’m very much used to. I think I’m just lucky that my father insured my health and with that, I can walk into the hospital anytime I like to get treatment as long as it is within the budget of my father. Also, I learned that I do not always have to fall sick before I visit the hospital so medical check up is very good.
While visiting the hospital once in a while, I always make sure that I go during the weekend so that the gynecologist will attend to me if need be and other specialists because some tests may need me to see a specialist.
I’ve always done this for about ten years and will continue as long as my dad continues to insure my health.


One day, I went to the hospital as usual and after seeing the doctor, I was about rushing home as usual but I saw some people setting up a little space like an even was about to happen in the reception. The reception is so big so I sat there to see what they really wanted to do. I already sat for over five minutes and they were still setting up their equipments so I approached a nurse to know what they were doing. She was looking kinda scary and not because she was ugly but I guess she had worked too much on that day and that was why she was frowning her face. You know how workers can be.

“Hey sis, I’ve been watching these people for a while now and I’d love to know what they are about to do so maybe I can take advantage of it”, I asked.
“Oh yeah. They want to have a seminar here and also sensitize us about their new toothpaste. It will be good if you can wait because it is likely for them to run prophylaxis cleaning for a few people who can wait,” she responded.

I thanked her after she explained what was about to happen to me and I took my time at the hospital. I stepped out to go get some junks to much on so I won’t get bored. I also plugged my earpiece into my ears to listen to music.
After a few minutes, the program started and they explained to us the ways we can take care of our teeth. We all know they are stylishly trying to advertising their toothpaste to us but I have no issues with it as long as it’s a good one.
They asked some questions and I was able to answer a few questions and some other people too.
After all their explanations, they decided to offer a free prophylaxis cleaning for those of us who could answer the questions they asked earlier.
I could not go first because I hadn’t done it before and I was thinking it was going to be a difficult process but truly, it was not.
The two ladies who attended to me noticed that I was feeling nervous and one of them spoke to me and said;
“Lady, you don’t have to be scared. This process is not painful and you will feel relieved after all because your teeth will be clean.”

While washing it, I realized they were shocked about something I don’t really know but I could not ask since they were washing my mouth. Later, I was asked to spit out and they were telling me how clean my mouth was. They had to call their other doctors so they could come testify to it. I was happy and feeling special in the sense of everyone because my dental hygiene is really good.
They were giving me comments like her teeth is clean, I didn’t even have problem washing it at all, and so many comments like that.


It made me proud of myself and I was asked how many times I washed my teeth but I had to lie that I wash it three times because I was feeling the hype and truly, I only wash it twice a day. After the whole process, I was given two free toothpaste and a good toothbrush just because my teeth was clean. I guess I was just lucky to go to the hospital that day and I hope that once in a while when I go to the hospital, I have the opportunity to get free things like this again not just in the hospital but any place I visit once in a while.

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