Sometimes you have to let it go: priorities first.

One thing I have come to realize about the life we are living is that you cannot have it all; sometimes you just have to let certain things go, no matter how long you must have waited for it to happen. As a lover of music, I have a few celebrities that I followed, and if given the opportunity to go see them, I would not hesitate to cease the opportunity with open arms, and Odumodublvk turns out to be one of those artists that I always follow up on.

"Did you hear? Your favorite artist, Odumodublvk, will be coming to perform live in school next week Friday, and finally you will get the opportunity to see him even if it is from afar." My friend Dera called to tell me over the phone.

"Hope you will be going too." I asked because I was sure I was not going to miss it for anything.


"I will try to because I know you are going for sure. Is it like you did not hear when I said you would get to see him from afar?" Dera said, trying to point out that he was actually trying to tease me there.

"Hahaha," we both laughed, "so because I am not rich, I will only get to see him from afar. Is that your point?" I asked as we continued laughing.

That week I had to cut down on spending; I even had to avoid takeouts as they have become expensive just to enable me to save enough for the show. My savings were to cover for tickets, transportation to the venue, and probably for drinks friends and I will have. Things were working out, and in no time I was able to hit my target because I was so optimistic about going for the show that even if I were to see my favorite artist from afar, like my friend teased, I wouldn't mind, as I just wanted it to be recorded that I have seen him and not just in videos or online.

The show made me realize I was not the only one putting in effort to make sure I saw him; there were other people who wanted to see him too; he is a favorite artist to other students too, and they were cutting down on spending so as not to miss the show. I was on my way to see a lecturer when I had two friends walking in front of me converse, and I had to follow them slowly since I was eavesdropping and at the same time enjoying their conversation, and most of all, they were talking about my favorite artist.

"Bro, I am definitely going to attend the show. I planned on buying a hoodie this week, but that plan has been put on hold as I will need all the money I can get because of Odumodublvk's show that will be coming up next week." One of them said, and it got me smiling.

"Next week is still far; you can buy your hoodie this week and start making preparations for the show, as from Monday, you will still meet up." The other guy responded

"Do you know how hard it is to get money? I will start from now to make preparations so I will not have any excuse to not attend the show. That show is a must go." The first guy responded as they stopped by a shop, and I had to move ahead.

I had saved up to the amount needed and was only looking and waiting patiently for the deal day so I could actually attend the show, have fun, and make memories. Little did I know my course representative and the school had other plans; it was deal day. I woke up feeling energetic until my course rep dropped a message that swept me off my feet.

"Every student is mandated to pay 20,000 naira, and Monday will be the deadline for payments. Failure to comply, and you will have yourself to blame. 15,000 naira for the engineering mathematics textbook, and 5,000 naira for the practicals we will be having on Monday." Course representative's message, and after reading it all, I felt like crying.

Now I am forced to choose, either I go for the show or I pay for what is important since if it pays for textbooks and practicals, what I will be left with won't be enough. I even went as far as looking for a friend I can actually borrow from; neither had any to spare, and going for the show puts me at risk. What if I am not able to raise the money needed for practical and textbook before the deadline if I spend what I have on me on a show?

"Hey Dera, do you have any money to spare? I really want to go for that show and I have even paid for the tickets, and now the course representative just dropped a message that is about to scatter everything." I said over the phone with a very sad face.


"No, bro, you will just pay for what is important. There is no rose without thorns; you have to let this one go." Dera advised as he hung up.

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