My Receipt Inkwell Prompt Creative Nonfiction #25

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

I remember when i was in junior secondary, after my school fee was paid by my mom,i went to school the next day and got the receipt . I was used to flinging my school bag each time i came back from school without caring where it went.

On that particular day, i came back from school exhausted and flinged my bag as usual and collapsed on the bed. Am not sure how long i slept that day but when i woke up it was already dark and i was still putting on my school uniform. I took my bath immediately and washed my uniform.
I picked up my bag from where i flinged it to, and packed my books for the next day i didn't bother checking if my receipt was inside.

I woke up the next day, prepared and hurried off to school
On reaching my school i saw students standing outside some were waiting in line while some stood far from the line discussing. I made enquires from someone and discovered that school fees receipt were being checked at the gate. I totally forgot about it, it was announced the previous day. I opened my bag to bring out the receipt and join others in the line, but i couldn't find it. I emptied my bag and the contents fell on the floor, i opened my books and flipped the pages still it wasn't there i was starting to get nervous.

“what if it slipped out of my bag on
my way to school ??, But i boarded
a bus this morning how am i
going to find the bus if it slipped
out of my bag and fell on the bus
floor ???.

All these thoughts raced through my head as i was packing my books back into my bag. I didn't tell my classmates about it and rushed home. Thank God my house was pretty close to my school, i got home and my parents were surprised to see me, they asked me why i came back from school and i told them what happened. My dad simply sighed and left for work, i knew i was going to receive a good tongue-lashing when he comes back in the evening. My mom joined in the search although she was complaining about my carelessness, she was complaining and searching at the same time. We searched for about 3(three) minutes then found it.

When searching for something, it's as if ur soul leaves your body, your mind is completely focused on finding it or getting a glimpse of it. And you won't bother to look for it at the obvious places .

So yes i found it lying on my reading TABLE!!!, it's been there the entire time , how did i not see it and how did it get there ??. Then i remembered i picked it up the previous day when i woke up from sleep before packing my books and kept it on the table. By the time i found it i was already minutes late for school, i wanted to stay at home to avoid the punishment i was going to receive for coming late to school and go the next day buh my mom wouldn't hear of it so i went.

The line was already gone when i arrived, i went inside the school after my receipt was checked and received the punishment. After this incident, i have been very careful with the way i keep things and i have stopped flinging my bag 😌.


I hope you liked the story, this is actually my first time posting in this blog or any other blog. Am open to corrections if there are any. Thanks

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