The power of the waves


Grey clouds filled the sky, threatening to ruin weeks of meticulous planning for our beach trip. I sat on a wooden bench outside with a heavy heart, yearning for even a glimpse of sunlight. But it eluded me, and much like the overcast skies, my mood turned sober.

The anticipation had been building for this much-needed vacation—a chance to escape the struggles of the past month. Everyone was already seated on the bus, ready to embark on our seaside adventure.

Victor walked up to me, he could tell from my demeanor something was wrong. I pointed to the sky and told him how I felt. He asked me if I had been to the beach before to which I replied with a yes. He asked me what the weather was like when I visited and I told him the sun shone bright.

"You been on the beach when it was sunny, have you ever tried going to the beach when it's raining? It's a whole different feeling, a good one", he said as he grabbed my legs and tried to pull me into the bus.

Reluctantly, I yielded, and we embarked on our journey. To my surprise, the clouds enveloped the sky just enough to create a cool and breezy atmosphere. I secured a seat by the window, relishing the view as we drive towards our destination. Cool air filled the bus, with my friends cracking jokes and adding a touch of lightheartedness to the trip.

As soon as we reached the beach, the sun emerged from its hiding place. I couldn't help but notice the triumphant smile on Victor's face as he made eye contact, a gesture I discreetly evaded, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. We dropped off the bus, setting up our belongings under a tent.

Most of my friends dashed toward the shoreline, barely bothering to remove their clothes. Meanwhile, I volunteered to guard our belongings.

The air carried a refreshing chill, unlike the warmth within the bus. I plugged in my headphones and played my beach playlist—a fusion of R&B and soul music. From a distance, I observed my friends frolicking in the water, dancing and reveling in the moment. There was something indescribable about being at the beach—it had a unique ability to sweep away my worries and give me a path on the back.

Someone else came to watch over our bags, allowing me to remove my sandals and leisurely walk toward the shore. Just before diving into the water, I buried my feet in the cold, damp sand, relishing the tingling sensation that coursed through my body. Drawing nearer to the water's edge, I laid flat on my back, waiting for the waves to envelop me. In that moment, a serene silence enveloped my senses, only interrupted by the sound of the saltwater filling my ears. The sun bestowed its warm caress upon my face as it played with the cool breeze.

For that fleeting moment, I was lost to the world. My problems dissipated, leaving only the blissful company of myself.

Later, my friends approached my spot, and we engaged in playfulness amidst the rolling waves, capturing memories through laughter and photographs.

Afterward, I emerged from the water and returned to the shade of the tent. It was the most sublime feeling I had experienced in a long time, and I yearned for the opportunity to repeat it.

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