I feel like I've been here before


I've seen a bunch of movies that claim we're all linked somehow, every single person on this earth. Like most folks, I figured it was just some movie magic, something t keep the watchers entertained, and didn't actually happen in real life.

August 16th, 2014, I sat in the passenger seat of my uncle's car, watching raindrops slide down the window. He was driving me to an old house on the outskirts of town to do some fixing up.

I wasn't too thrilled about this whole thing because I knew exactly how it would go down. I'd sit in the car while he chatted with the workers, telling them about the new plan the architect had come up with.

The only thing that made the trip bearable was having my earbuds charged. At least I could drown out the boredom with some music. My uncle tried to start a conversation as we drove, but I wasn't in the mood. I would've preferred spending the day in bed. I was annoyed because I knew I wouldn't be of any help to him. I thought he just brought me along for his own entertainment.

Finally, we arrived, and the uncomfortable ride came to an end. Just as I expected, I stayed in the car while he talked to the workers. I cranked up the music to drown out my frustration and dozed off for about 20 minutes. I was woken up by my uncle tapping on the window, asking me to hand him some files from the back seat.

Deciding to take a stroll around the property, I hoped it would help me blow off some steam. As soon as I stepped out of the car with my left foot, I felt an odd sensation. The air felt strangely familiar. I couldn't explain it at the time, but it felt like I'd been there before, even though that was impossible. I had never been to this place before. It was in a completely different state.

I walked around, trying to jog my memory. The house on the property was old, so I understood why it needed fixing. But this feeling of familiarity was unlike anything I'd experienced in the past.

I headed toward my uncle, hoping he could shed some light on the situation. He smiled and asked if I was done sulking in the car, to which I reluctantly nodded. He told me he didn't bring me along just to ruin my day.

He revealed that the old house was a family property, belonging to my dad, him, and their little sister. It was also where my parents met before they moved away and had me. It meant that I hadn't been there before, so why did it still feel so familiar?

I asked if I could explore the inside of the house before they made any changes. He agreed, and I stepped inside, greeted by old picture frames of the entire family, a large antique radio on the wooden dining table, and a dusty old black and white television straight out of the movies. It was like stepping back in time. I even got to see my dad's old room.

As I took it all in, I started to understand why I felt such a connection to this place. My dad used to share stories of his childhood with me, and now I was witnessing it firsthand. Before this, I used to dismiss notions of connection, even in matters of love. I thought the phrase "I feel a connection with her" was just an excuse people used when they claimed to be in love. But now, I knew it was entirely possible.

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