Godlike cleanliness


The day started off pretty good, I woke up to music playing in the background, setting the tone for the day. The house was a mess but not my life wasn't so I just went on with my activities as usual, the music playing in the background helped. It was an old playlist I had created a year back infused with a mix of blues and light rock, the perfect sound to start up the day.

Everything was going great until my mom called informing me she was in town for a wedding and she'd come to my place to say hi before she left. Suddenly, I couldn't hear the music anymore, only the voice in my head telling me I was in trouble. The mission was simple, clean the house as fast as I could before she arrived.

My mom wasn't a clean freak but I could never clean the house enough for her when I was little, there would always be one complaint or the other. I soon stopped trying to impress her but I had to say, my current place was really messy, dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, unfolded clothes scattered across the room, papers all over the reading table, the only place that wasn't dirty was the bathroom and that was because I had stayed in the shower for a long time the night before and had had the zeal to clean it, there wasn't much I couldn't do with the right music.

I hurried to the kitchen to fix up the dishes but water didn't rush from the tap. I went outside to discover the entire compound was fresh out of water which would make the mission at hand very hard to complete but the fear of my mother has always been the beginning of my wisdom. I walked into my room and changed the music to another playlist I created for situations just like this, 'work music'.

I moved like a man possessed, cleaning the kitchen under 20 minutes and the rest of my room under an hour. I swept three times just to make sure I didn't leave any dirt on the floor and then took a well deserved shower, waiting for the arrival of my mother.

About four hours later, she called and told me she couldn't make it to the house again because someone had offered her a free ride back home so she could save the money for transport.

"Oh okay, I have not even gotten up from the bed since you called", I replied on the phone hiding the fact that had just achieved godlike cleanliness.

After the called, I moved around the house inspecting the work I did. Feeling very impressed with myself, I couldn't let this clean house go to waste. I picked up my phone and called one of my girl friends asking her if she'd be interested in coming over and seeing a movie with me. She said yes. I put on my speaker and played my blues playlist as I laid on my bed waiting for the arrival of my friend.

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