Creative Nonfiction: Cleaning the house from evil spirits


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Cleaning the house from evil spirits

My older sister had married a boy who was from a town called San Juan. Since his family had several houses in that town, my sister and her husband occupied one of the family's houses. Although she did not want to at first, her husband convinced her to stay, saying that it would only be for a few months, and then they would move to a house of their own. The house was somewhat deteriorated, so they had to make several repairs, especially to the electricity wires and water pipes. As they were just starting out and did not plan to spend much time in the house, they left some things unfixed.

The house still had a strong musty smell and although my sister tried to keep her garden nice, the plants dried out quickly. My brother-in-law said that the musty smell was probably due to a seepage problem in the walls of the house and that the plants were drying out because the soil was lacking some nutrients. There was no reason to worry, because my sister and her husband would be moving out soon, so my sister opted not to plant anything else and learned to live with those strange smells.

Certainly the house was not one of the nicest in the area and it felt kind of "dark and heavy", just looking at it. However, it was the house where my sister lived and many times we went to visit her. Certainly it must have seemed strange to us that things went bad very quickly, such as electrical appliances and light bulbs, but no one noticed those details. They say that there is no one worse blind than he who does not want to see.


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It all started when my sister had my first nephew. She stayed at my house for about 15 days to recover from the birth, but then my sister and my brother-in-law decided to go home. As soon as they entered their home, my nephew started crying. After being a quiet and sleepy child, he became a child who woke up every now and then crying as if someone had pinched him. My sister had to hold him 24 hours a day so that he could be calm. At first she thought the child was spoiled, but when he started to get sick, she realized that there might be something serious behind the constant crying.

It was a long week in which my sister and brother-in-law got tired of taking my nephew to all the pediatric specialists. They changed his milk, did some tests, but nothing: the child kept crying and sometimes had a fever. My sister cried thinking it was bad, until one day my mother-in-law suggested to her that why didn't she have the house checked, that she should look for a "witch doctor" to do it. Although my brother-in-law was reluctant and said that it was superstition, my sister convinced him and told him that it was nothing to lose by trying.


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The next day a man arrived at the house. As soon as he arrived he said he felt some strange presences. He started going through all the rooms with a smelly twig and saying some prayers. At one point, he asked to scrape a wall in the master bedroom and when they began to remove the paint, they found that underneath the layers of paint there were many crosses made with charcoal. The man crossed himself and took leaves of parsley, mint, elder, sage, rue and others from a sack he had brought with him and began to burn them in a bowl. Then he spread the smoke all over the house while in a low voice he repeated several prayers. With that he was supposedly cleaning the house.

After that, my nephew didn't cry as much and no longer had a fever. What my sister was told was that, apparently, evil rituals had been performed in that house and all the energies had been concentrated, so the solution was to do a deep cleaning to remove all the bad things that were there. I have to say that after that experience, my sister and her family moved out and never returned to that house.

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Image created by me in Canva

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