Enjoy the afternoon football game and some important guidelines of the football coach

I like playing football more. So every afternoon I go to the school field and enjoy playing football. Lately it's rainy season and it's raining constantly. Enjoy playing in the rain and sometimes when it rains we run and sit in the school balcony and still don't play sports. Even after heavy rains, there is no shortage of players playing sports on the school grounds. In the afternoon, people of all ages, including me, seniors and juniors, go to watch the football game in the afternoon.

Why not go see the football game? Football is a popular sport and more fun is enjoyed in football than cricket. Therefore, all the farmers, farmers and old people of the village go to the school field to enjoy the football game in the afternoon. I also like to enjoy football game very much and I always enjoy football game.

Sometimes when I go to the field I see that the game has already started. One thing has become very noticeable recently. I have noticed for quite some time now that the players on the field are playing a bit better than before and their style of play has changed a lot. Because we have already appointed an efficient coach in our school ground who is constantly helping us in the game with great skill.

I went to the school ground yesterday at five in the afternoon. Because there are two haats held weekly in our rural areas. We have to reserve the markets twice a week and eat those markets slowly for a whole week. Although fresh vegetables are available but then we have to store those vegetables well.

Yesterday was Tuesday and on Tuesday I finished the market and left them at home and went to watch the game. I enjoyed the game a lot during school ground games. Because the football coach mastered the concept of the game very well and helped all the young players to master all the vision of the game would be great.

After completing all the activities, when I went to watch the game, almost half of the game was over. After half time I noticed the game got even better. Because the one who was given the responsibility is a very capable person and he is an army trainer already. The training was very good and I liked his approach very much.

Who saw all the players on the field at the end of the game? We all got together in a corner and had a meeting and something important was said.

Some players made mistakes during the game and were guided correctly. Because no one can ever improve themselves without proper guidelines. So the football coach very well gave important guidance on where to go wrong in the game or where to play.

And I also listened to their guidance and liked it much more. I was especially surprised to participate in that football meeting. Although I can't play football but still after participating in the meeting I got motivated and expressed my interest to play football too.

Thus we enjoyed playing a football match and mastered some important information of a football coach. Hope you like the whole story. Thank you very much for enjoying.

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