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Ignorance isn't the best way of life

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It's a pleasure to be back on hive after a long period of time…

I had been busy with school work and a lot of activities, but it's nice having me welcomed and it's also my pleasure writing articles on this platform once again.

Back to my post…

The sun rose early in the morning on a dark skinned,handsome guy,cute lips and tall. His name was Paul,a well behaved guy and well taught in a blessed family. His family was well known for their good moral behavior in the society,but with all these attributes they lack income …

On the other side,

There lived another guy who was also cute,fair skinned,had a faded haircut and was also tall. His name was John,a spoilt and naughty guy and was not well taught in his corrupted family. His family was known to be famous and influential in the society,but they lacked behavioral characteristics…

One day, Paul was on his way back from campus when he was stopped by some hooligans while John was the head of the gang. Whereas both children were both in 400 level hoping to get promoted to their final year,John commanded his crew to hijack anything that was on Paul and left him screwed and useless on the floor. John warned him to keep his mouth shut or he would be dealt with mercilessly and he nodded in disbelief as tears rolled down his eyes.

Paul stood up and thought to himself that this is how these hooligans would continue with this behavior in the campus,then he said to himself that he would surely put a stop to this group whenever he can. Still tired walking after the beating,his best friend sighted him and came to his rescue by leading him to his room which Paul appreciated.

The next morning was time for lecture, Paul was the first to reach the class inorder for him to read ahead of the class. Then other classmates entered the class after Paul likewise the lecturer. Everyone stood up to greet the lecturer except for John and his gang,the lecturer then sighed and told the other classmates to sit. The lecturer began the class but due to John and his gang's noise,the lecturer was forced to send them out. Atlas there was peace in the class,the students enjoyed the class beautifully. They all were dismissed to their various hostels.

Paul then said to his best friend Bayo on his way back to the hostel that, can't they talk to John and his gang about the various atrocities they are performing. Bayo said to Paul that is not that we don't want to help them but the problem is that they would listen and besides they are rich to do anything they wish, Paul said that is true but won't they later be consequences. Bayo then replied saying that Paul should not stress himself on those useless guys, that when the time comes they would figure out their mistakes.

Time passed as they were in their final year which some students passed while some carried on but due to John's family influence he was promoted in no time. Another gang formed over the years and they were the evil cat group,they dealt with guns and various types of danger but their main rival was John's group which they didn't figure a name for but later named it the influential club. John hasn't held a gun in his life,his group was just hijacking with fake guns. He was shocked to see the evil cat shoot with real guns,his other crew then told him to relax so that they wouldn't pass their boundaries.

One faithful bright afternoon while Paul and his best friend Bayo were coming from the lecture room,they sighted the evil cat and eavesdropped on them hearing they would eliminate the influential club tonight. Paul was scared the same as Bayo who passed out after hearing this. Paul rushed to the influential club base to warn them but they bullied him and said he was saying rubbish,so he left without hesitating.

After Paul left,John told his crew to be prepared for any fight that night. Night came as they heard gunshots at their base,the evil cat had killed John's crew but he was lucky to escape. Luckily for him,Paul had informed the police about the situation that was to happen. The police arrested the evil cat likewise John who was scared as a cat who wants to fall inside water.

They were all sentenced to life imprisonment, John's parents felt bad for not training their child and on the other hand Paul's parents were proud of him. The students graduated as John was released out of sympathy, he visited Paul to apologize for his wrong doings and appreciated the info he gave him and his clans.

Due to this, John's parents took care of Paul and his family as one family.Finally, Paul's family was out of poverty while John's family were out of corrupted minds and became well behaved after all.

Paul saw his best friend Bayo as the medical doctor of the biggest hospital while Paul was the best and well known lawyer because he fights for justice while John on the other hand became a well influenced business man taking care of his parents business.

They lived happily ever after …


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