My assignment (Non-Fiction prompt# 96)

"Hy students. A new day and a new assignment. As your semester is about to end and your exams are held soon. So you guys have to make an assignment." It was the voice of Miss Asma.


"But Mam, we need some free time to prepare for our exams." I answered.
"I know my child. But this assignment is social. You must enjoy it". I am pretty sure. She replied.

When I heard it was social. I think in my mind it will be a great activity. I was thinking.

"Any more questions or arguments Moaz?" She addressed me.

"So what's the assignment? If it is social then we will not get bored." My classmate Rimsha asked.

"Yes obviously. So without wasting time, your assignment is to visit poor people in your society and write on a pad what you noticed. But one thing I must clear. Everyone must had his assignment. No copy and no same work. So let's start the lecture." She completed her conversation and started the lecture.

I was continuously thinking about the assignment. And the lecture ends.

"Okay, students. The lecture is over. And you have time for 2 days. You have to complete it in two days." Mam finished the lecture.

The class was over. And all the students went home. When I arrived home, I didn't eat anything and started to work on my assignment. I called the driver and went to the poor people in our society.

"Hey Moaz. What are you doing here? Oh, you are working on an assignment. We must work together." It was the voice of Rimsha. My classmate.

"No Rimsha. I think you don't hear the lecture. Mam was saying, we have to work our own. We can't copy someone. So I disagree." I replied.

I noticed her reaction. It was cold. But I ignored it. She continues to work. And I also continue my work. After some time I was feeling hungry.

*Moaz, I am going to take my lunch. Will you join me?" Rimsha asked me.

"Ummm I am also feeling hungry. So let's do it." I addressed her.

After making progress, we went to our homes. And next day after our lecture, we again went to that place. And started our progress.

"What did you think Moaz? Who will win?" Rimsha asked me.

"Umm, I can't say anything. Anyone can win. But I will try my best to come first. My progress is about yo ready. And tomorrow is the last date of submission." I replied to her.

"So let's have lunch. And then complete our progress." These were the words of Rimsha.

We went to the hotel. And started to have lunch. Then I went to the washroom. I put my mobile on the assignment.

"Rimsha, I will come back in minutes. You finish your lunch." I asked Rimsha.

"Okay". She replied.

I spent 5 minutes in the washroom. And when I came back. I noticed a thing. My mobile was not on assignment. It was on the table. And my register pages were folded. I think someone opened it. But I ignored it.

"Okay, Moaz, we have to go now. We must complete our progress and presentation." Rimsha said while standing up.

We went to our homes. It was it was the next day. We have to submit our assignment and also proceed with the presentation.

All the assignments were submitted. Now it was the turn of Rimsha.

"Rimsha, come child. Tell me about your progress." Mam asked to Rimsha.

When she presented her assignments, I was shocked. It means my doubts were right. She stole my assignment. Not physically. But she must capture the pictures. She was describing my words.

Now it was my turn. I have to present my work. And I was feeling nervous. But I was satisfied. Because there was a twist. I always make two assignments. And then decided, which has to present. The assignment she stole, was my homework.

"Moaz what a progress. I think you have to put all the feelings and deeds of that society. Wow. I am impressed. So students the wait is over. And the winner of that assignment is Moaz. And let's start with the lecture". The teacher finished her conversation and started the lecture.

When I was going to my seat, I saw some hating eyes. It was Rimsha. She was staring at me badly. But I ignored it. It was recess time and she came to me.

"Oh, great Moaz you won. I am very happy." She addressed me.

"Thanks to you Rimsha. If you don't steal my assignment, I will never get an idea like that." I roasted her.

"Ww.. what you mean? Which assignment? I don't know, what you are talking about." She was nervous.

"Oh come on. Stop this nonsense. I noticed yesterday. But I won't show it to you." I replied.

And then her face was red. And she was feeling guilty. She excuses me.

"I am sorry Moaz. I just want to come first. Because every time you are the winner. So I was feeling jealous. Therefore I do that." She was excusing me.

"It's okay. It's better to work hard than copy someone. Inshallah next time you will win." I finished the talk and stood up.

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