My Mirror Reflection - Creative Non-Fiction Prompt

Who stares in the mirror for hours doing nothing but talk to herself? That would be me when I feel down, when I can't seem to figure out a solution to a problem or when I just want to have fun. The mirror could be called my other half until I find a human other half and that is because it gets me all the time, showing me the reflection of myself without any form of deceit.

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Maybe I am the one making the mirror show me just what I want to see of myself and if that is it, I'm doing a great job in helping myself with the aid of my favourite room mirror. Hours spent with my mirror makes my day a lot more different than when I just go about my day without it. The words I hear myself say, the smile I give to myself, the funny faces I make and most importantly the feeling I get from reminding myself what I look like, all that makes my day worth more than imagined.

My self reflection mostly happens in front of the mirror so it's almost a fixed time, during the mornings before I start my day. I wouldn't use my mirror sometimes but my phone selfie camera, anything to remind me of how healthy and beautiful I look. These reflections makes my heart happy and grateful.

A perfect self reflection day would be when I slept the night with a problem unsolved and it weighed on me through the night. I wake up the next morning with the problem still in mind thinking of ways to solve it and free my mind. Looking at the mirror just magically makes me worry less about the problem as I reflect more on what have been done and the results rather than the unsolved ones.

I've find it easier to solve problems by reflecting on how I solved previous ones even though they are never same problems. Self reflection has helped me know myself better and be myself more around me and others.

My typical day will start with a long minutes of mirror talks, smiles and okay reflecting on how I want my day to be. I will also end the day thinking back to know how much of the day I pictured played out. If there wasn't a stereotype against looking at the mirror at night, it would have been my favourite time to self reflect.

My mirror helps me reflect from the inside even though it shows me just who I look like and just what I want to see.


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