A Mind That Travels To Comfort & Bliss

I don't listen to music if I want to take a serious decision about my life or I want to give a stand on a wavering decision of mine. This is because music and I blend too well that I let it create both real and unrealistic dreams for me, I'm not saying I hate music for this because I actually enjoy the pictures it paints in my head.


Right from childhood, I've always had these fantasies play in my head about how beautiful life would be when I become an adult. The songs I listened to back then played my future self to be a smart and professional doctor who enjoys her work and save lives everyday. I could still remember going the whole day daydreaming of how I would bring people back to life but I never daydreamed about the process to get to that position.

Now, I'm an adult but I still can't get rid of these pictures painted in my head. Instead, I add a new scene every day with a different music playing on the background. Seeing a movie, reading a book also creates pictures in my head but that I get from music seem to win me over and over every single time.

I could just sit on my bed, play a song and I begin to see myself in a big house having everything to myself and not lacking anything as I am in my reality. I see myself smile so happily, achieving different dreams and becoming the star I had always wanted to be as a singer. These pictures fade away when I stop playing my music but when I get into a bad mood, they flash in like happy ending movies to get my bright mood back.

I feel like I do escape the reality to a world I'd prefer to live, a life of comfort and continuous bliss. It's surprising how I've never and I'm not sure I'll ever daydream of myself being in pains or stress, it is always about my happy self and so much of unrealistic dreams that I tend to not like waking myself up from.

If I should go in details all the dreams I've let music create for me, I'd be caught up in another dream while writing this haha. They are so many and lively, all are giving me pictures of what I think about myself. I tend to pick out the meaningful ones to work on them for a real life result and I just enjoy the unrealistic ones to stay in my comfort and bliss.


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