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Reality is illusion.

Blinded by our possess desire.

The lies we tell ourselves to feel better.

When paradox becomes truth.

Everything is awry but we choose to ignore.

The bubble of ignorance we live in.

Suffocating from our own deed but we call it surviving.

We choose to disregard the facts.

Excuses becomes our solution.

The systematic cage we live in.

We feed on ourselves, like a parasite in an organism.

When will we choose to stand?!

When will we choose to fight back?!

When will the lies stop?!

Respect yourself and you may be respected.

Maybe if we can be just truthful with ourselves we can move forward.

A message to the oppressed.

Stop the oppression within you to stop being oppressed.

My name is Megatey. I blog on philosophy, poetry and life issues. For more of this article, you can visit my blog. If you enjoy this article, feel free to Upvote, Reblog and Comment. Thank You

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